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Slick Red Dog

You’ve all seen those lurid “porn carnival” buildings in those tiny, decaying New Jersey steel mill towns. This is the Duke that rules one of them.

SLICK DOG RED – The Assassination Pimp

Slick Dog Red or Michael Freedom Redley was born in 1977 to a poor woman that owed some money to the local pimp, chicken hawk and strip joint owner, Barstow Jenkins. This was in some half-arsed industrial town on the East Coast not quite New York and not quite New Jersey.

Slick was born to a mother that owed a pimp. Owing a pimp is not like owing the mafia. The mafia doesn’t make you work tricks to pay off some of the money – or make you screw homeless guys for laughs. Most of the woman Slick knew in his life were too old to work or tended to blame the children that tied them down to this little shit hole town and made them Barstow’s crew.

Of course, Barstow Jenkins and his renovated warehouse-strip club – Shakin’ Thang! had lots of nooks and crannies for discerning customers that wanted the woman for… reasons.

SO this is how Barstow saw women. When he was fifteen, Barstow hired Slick to help work in the kitchen fry vats. This was where Slick heard of room 27. Women that needed to be punished where taken to room 27. Apparently the woman where completely broken after that and couldn’t work anymore – but it was a deterrent to the rest.

Slick investigated one night and found room 27 and sitting squat in the middle of the floor was a carnal. Slick entered the room with a piece of metal rebar and beat the shit out of the carnal until it submitted. He then slipped it into a duffel bag. He went to Barstow’s apartment and waited. When Barstow was in bed, Slick sicced the carnal onto Barstow.

When Slick was finished with Barstow, Barstow had signed over ownership of the Shakin’ Thang! to Slick and couldn’t help screaming when the bedding touched him in the secret places.

Slick has become much better at training the carnal. And has sealed off room 27 and put in a remodelled on top of it. If you need someone hurt – anyone – and you have the cash, that someone will be hurt and the law can’t you – a demonic alien from Hentai Hell did what to you?

And if the creature dies, another pops back in a few days – a renewable resource.

Slick has started getting a few customers (three so far) that want the creature for their own personal gratification. They pay very well.

Slick’s business was doing very nicely and he had divided the warehouse into sections complete with a motel, a porno shop, his-&-hers strip clubs, and conference area that can be hired out to local businessmen. Instead of the Disneyland of vice he has been harassed constantly by the cops. He is thinking of folding the whole mess and starting a record label. Except the creature that gave Slick (and Barstow) so much power is now keeping him there. Slick knows if the right people find out about this, he is dead.

Slick Dog Red’s statistics are the same as Average Police Officer (UA2 pg. 264) except he has Restrain Bitch instead of Restrain Suspect, Good Pimp/Bad Pimp instead of Good Cop/Bad Cop.

Slick also has a special Soul skill: The Slick Dog Smack Down 30%. This allows Slick to break in the carnal to obey him and allow Slick to use it as a weapon.

SLICK’S DOG (carnal)
The Carnal always has the same stats and looks like a giant dangling scrotal sac with eight long crab-like legs made from fingers and with teeth for nails. From the top is a mouth that breezes off half-heard obscene whispers and threats.

Anyone “attacked” by Slick’s Dog can’t actually recall the details of the attack only that they were attacked and have sexual attack injuries.

Slick keeps the creature on a long leash and whips it with a riding crop. It is assumed (in-game) that the carnal senses what Slick is and feels subservient to him.

Being attacked by the carnal calls for many Madness checks depending on the characters weak points.

BODY 40 (small but dangerous)
Hurt You 40%

SPEED 20 (Slow and Quiet like a Spider)
Stealth 60%

MIND 20 (One Track Mind)
Do What I’m Told 20%

SOUL 10 (Horrible Scab on the Universe)
Our Little Secret 35%

Hurt You is always the sum of the dice roll +3.
Do What I’m Told is how well the carnal can follow somewhat complex instructions.
Our Little Secret forces people into submissive, quiet state if they fail a Madness roll.

6 thoughts on “Slick Red Dog

  1. ParadoxDruid says:

    Wow. This feels like it came right out of the book. Some of the best material I’ve seen submitted.

    *grabs for his campaign*

  2. Insect King says:

    Thank you. You might want to beef up the Dog, though. I felt it was a little weak when I submitted it.



  3. Mr Unlucky says:

    Wow. I am stunned.

    And if you don’t mind, Slick Red Dog just moved into my PC group’s newest town, to re-open his shop, after the failing of his rap record label.

    It’s a work of art, I tell you.

    Mad props to you, IK.

  4. Insect King says:

    Thanks, Mr Unlucky. Glad you like it.

    How did it go? Just asking.



  5. Mr Unlucky says:

    Net result:
    Pornomancer: caught VD, suicide.
    Entropomancer: Russian roulette. Last seen locating his missing forebrain in the room with SRD’s little friend. Reportedly “Mindfucked”.
    Annihilomancer: Taught SRD about the meaning of “Did I ever tell you how much I love this bundle of dynamite?”

    Well, he lasted four sessions.

    Three game months.

    Fifty rounds of combat.

    And crippled everyone he got pissed at. You do good work, and we’re gaming happy since.

    Keep the work flowin’; we’ve got the blood a-flowin’.

    Mr Unlucky
    The gunman stares, looking into you in revusion and terror; with mild awe, and true shock he inquires, “Kitten armor?”

  6. Insect King says:

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    Damn that’s horrific but sweet at the same time.




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