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Watcher In The Sky

There’s nothing like a good book to help you shoot better.

Power: Significant

Effect: By having this book, any edition, in your possession enables you to +2 to your firearm skill. So the more copies you have in your possession the better your firearm skill will be.

Description: D.J Soulsinger’s only published novel about a boy who serves his country and only to return home a bitter man.

The novel written in 1931 is the only novel by Soulsinger. And there is not much information about the reclusive author. That he served his country fighting and never received a scratch.

5 thoughts on “Watcher In The Sky

  1. Insect King says:

    You should have left it Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger instaed of altering or reversing it.

    I think the whole Lone Gun Nut Conspiracy aspect would be easier to tie into it.

    But damn cool idea, nonetheless!

  2. Tim Bisaillon says:


    Yeah, I know I should of kept it. Maybe, if other GM’s use this idea they can switch it around.

    I don’t know what the actual policy is for taking someone’s work and using it for inspiration. I just tweaked it enough so that those “in the know” will know what I was trying to get at.:)

  3. Insect King says:

    If you’re not abusing or plagarising someone’s work but acknowledging their effort, it’s cool.

    By acknowledging J.D. Salinger as the author of Catcher in the Rye you commit nothing wrong except give out free advertising.

    ‘Sides giving Catcher UA-conspiracy notoriety is just cool.



  4. Mattias says:

    I like it! I would like it better if it gave a positive shift to a slightly less useful skill, hold your breath or something…

  5. Insect King says:

    Catcher in the Rye (In My Opinion) is a fairly bland read, its the suspicious fact that almost every three-name-lone-gun-nut had a copy of this book in his possession (or considered the book a favourite).

    Go see the movie Conspiracy – the Catcher is featured therein.

    Considering this, I think it is highly appropiate to use this for a gun skill.




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