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Monster PC

Building the ultimate computer was a labor of love. Using it is sign of hate.

The Monster PC (as it has come to be known) is a typical beige-box PC, looking to be from the late 90s. The only outward modification on it is the hand-painted dark-red demonic face on the front (the eyes are on the CD drive, the mouth is around the power button).

Nobody is reall sure how this monsterous machine was put together. All they know is that something… or someone… is trapped inside. The fans make a noise like a low moan, the startup sound is that of a scream, and the one person to ever manage to open it up failed his unnatural check and is now in a padded room ranting about “It has guts inside it.”

What’s special about this PC, beyond the face that it apparently has flesh instead of silicon? Well, when you turn it on, you feel a biting sensation in your finger. You just temporarily lost ten points off your Soul score and all your Soul skills. On the plus side, everything you use the PC for (be it playing games, doing your taxes, or hacking the government), gets a ten-point shift in your favor. Which can be great for the right job. You get your soul points back at a rate of one per night… so make sure you don’t use this thing too often.

It gets better. Not many people know of this bit, but take a knife and slice off a chunk of your flesh, about the size of a CD (oh, call it ten points of damage). Put it in the CD player. If you pass your unnatural and violence checks (and can stand the sound of your own flesh being eaten), then go online and send an email. When your target reads it, they take a significant blast as the screen pulses just right to mess with the target’s brain. (Only works if the target actually reads the mail, not someone else… otherwise, would be way too popular a target.)

The best part? This guy I know found out that if you take someone’s brain, cut it into floppy-disk-sized pieces, and feed them into the machine until the brain is all gone, you get a new icon on the desktop… with the name of the brain’s owner. Congrats, you sick bastard, you’ve got a copy of the person who’s brain you sliced up. You can do whatever you want to them… but man, will they be pissed at you.

Where is it now? Some claim the government has it and are feeding it programers so they can build new cyber-weapons. That’s bull. Me, I think the sleepers have it. They off an adept, they feed the brain to it and eventually, they’ll have enough adepts that they can run a search and figure out a way to let anyone do magic. Eh, but like everything else, it’s probably running loose in the Underground somewhere. Probably sitting in some kid’s room, being used to give him an edge on his Half-Life games.

Do me a favor. Take this bottle. If you find it, dump this into the floppy drive. Friend of mine say a Dispomancer get fed into this thing, every last neuron. This drink here’ll give him enough mojo to break free… we hope.

3 thoughts on “Monster PC

  1. Nick Wedig says:

    ” Eh, but like everything else, it’s probably running loose in the Underground somewhere. Probably sitting in some kid’s room, being used to give him an edge on his Half-Life games.”

    I particularly like this bit. An item of great magick power, and the owner is only interested in a minor side effect.

  2. Oneiros says:


  3. ridley4 says:

    My computer is like that…. Also explains why I’m so sad that my dad is taking it for christmas because I got a pwnage PC…….*sobs*


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