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Offer me solutions, Offer me Alternatives (To ID Crime)

Buying beer underage? This has got you covered. Need access to a crime scene? We’ve got that as well!

A strange little ritual, but pretty damn useful. Essentially, it creates a universal ID, but features a few rather strange limits. It also requires some slightly unusual components. Because of its nature, it is popular with underage adepts, criminals and all manner of occult investigators.

You need:

1 Blue Peter Badge (Note: Blue Peter is a successful children’s show on BBC in the UK. The badge is handed out to runners up in its regular competitions, and is effectively a Masonic handshake for children’s attractions around the United Kingdom, giving discounted or free entry. It takes the form of a white badge, of varying shape depending on the age, displaying the distinctive blue galleon.) The Badge must be one legitimately earned-you will be required to enter a Blue Peter competition, impersonating a child, and be good enough to make runner up.

1 Strip of passport sized pictures (4 of them). The first three must feature the caster in classic “hear/see/speak no evil” poses, the last must display the back of their head.

1 Hologram, of the cheap plastic variety found on videos or from gift shops.

Ritual Actions-Fairly basic stuff really.

3 Minor charges.

Prepare the ID by leaving the strip of photographs buried in the topsoil of a Watchman’s grave (Policemen, Security Guards or Soldiers who spent a lot of time on sentry duty will do) for a whole Saturday night, burying it at the time when all the pubs/Bars empty. Dig it up again the next morning at the end of nearest church service-note that this may lead to some difficult questions from the congregation.
Extract the hologram from whatever medium it is on (out of the keyring, off the video etc) with a standard issue blade from some organisation of some authority (a genuine Swiss Army Knife would do). Superglue it to the photostrip.

Effects of the ritual.
If the caster is challenged for a form of identification (anything, from a driving license to a police badge) they can present the photostrip in its place, so long as they are wearing the BP badge at the time. As it is presented, they must exclaim “And here’s one I made earlier!” or the ritual fails.
The photo strip is good for one incident (one stop and search, one crime scene, one liquor buy etc.). After this the pictures all white out and the hologram becomes matte-neither are good for a second casting. The badge, on the other hand, can be used as many times as needed.

The recipient of the fraudulent Identification will see it as exactly what is required for the caster actions, nothing more and nothing less. Strangely, if an age is stated on the card it will be slightly older than the caster could easily claim to be-enough to raise a slight suspicion occasionally. The name on the card will not be the casters, but will instead be that of the Watchman who’s grave was used in the preparation.

One thought on “Offer me solutions, Offer me Alternatives (To ID Crime)

  1. Mr. Zero says:

    Just an idea (from the Yankee in the back).
    Instead of Blue Peter you could use the old paper Sheriff badges you cut off the site of Happy Meals.
    Seeing as they aren’t made anymore it present another challange to our erst-while hereos…. and send them to a landfil… mmmmm landfill.


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