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Blind Surveillance

All Darkness is One

See, my boyfriend was this duke – dont worry, you dont know him, I’m sure. He got a tip about a Japanese guy that had some very good things on his apartment, so we got there when he wasn’t and got everything that looked interesting.

So, a week after that, and finding that almost all of it was, well, shit, he found a book with a ritual… it wasn’t a very useful one, but it was simple and it worked. You just had to get in front of a wall, without shoes, touch the wall with the tips of your left hand, spread, leaning on it, and start banging the wall with your right hand till its bleed. It has to bleed enough to be able to use the index tip of your right hand to drawn the kanji for one in the wall. Then open your right hand and touch the wall with the tips of the fingers, the hand open and the center of your palm above the sign.

Then you have to get the room absolutely dark, while you mutter “one” (any language you know serves).

In that moment you well know that you are in touch with all the dark walls of the world… yes, right, like, what are you going to see but darkness? Yes, but you could hear… we tested it and with some concentration you can hear what is said in another place that’s also in the dark.

It was all… very stupid pointless ritual… but he was obsessed about it, he said there must be something else, some element we where missing… he spent weeks trying things while “connected”, looking again at again at the papers, the books, everything we got… I got bored and left him in his place, waiting for him to admit it was all and call me.

2 days ago, he must have found something. No, I dont know what…. all I know is that everytime I’m in a dark room, I hear him screaming, asking my to get him out of “here”, whatever it is…

So look, I gave you the ritual, and here is everything we got from that guy… do whatever you want with them… I give it all to you just for being sure I’m never again in the dark… please….


The ritual, as described, cost 2 minor points. The missing element, doing the same process with the left hand before getting the room dark and saying “one”, requires 1 significant charge, but can transport you to the place you are “looking” at in the dark… if you dont fail a Mind check.

The place you go if you fail… All Darkness is One.

Jesús Couto F.

4 thoughts on “Blind Surveillance

  1. Nick Wedig says:

    Isn’t the kanji for one just a horizontal line?

  2. Jesús Couto says:

    Its an horizontal line with just a little decoration on the right side, like the upper half of an arrow.

    But of course, the way I see it, a description of the ritual showing a picture of it without saying what it is, or just saying “draw a horizontal line” is not going to work. You have to know what the thing means to give it enough symbolic power to work.

  3. Phenix says:

    Cool ritual, but shouldn’t it be a Soul check for magic? Or is there a reason why it’s a Mind roll? Just confused.

    I like it though. Can’t wait for one of my players to find it and botch it. Hmmm… Darkness…. *evil chuckle*

  4. Mr Unlucky says:

    I like this; the way I figure it, wherever you’re listening to, there’s probably something either
    A.) watching your actions, ensuring you follow some unknown set of rules.
    B) some penalty for doing something wrong.

    Of course, one can never really know if one’s broken a rule, nor would one find an adequate means of knowing what critter/force/concept is protecting/guarding/watching/etc’ing the ritual itself.

    If you did make it mad, how can you run from dark rooms forever?


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