We hear many voices , but none are as important as the ones in our head.
The schitzomancer is not a charming person frankly there just darn weird and the voices in there head dont make them very stable , but when he or she gets into an unnatural situation or attacked mentally there right on the top of the game.Basically these guys wig out entirely too much.” Cleomancys beware” theirs someone that can stand tall when their brain gets stewed.
Gaining charges,
whitnessing common crimes , physical violence , and of course a ua favorite shootings of all sorts.
Being freaked out by magic,
or demons of all shapes and sizes.
whitnessing the assention of gods.
Rationality is a no no!
Minor spells,
Hearing is believing, 2 charges
A one sentence clue to the situation is whispered into the players ear by the gm.
What was that! 2 charges
A mental flash of an area that might help put another piece in the puzzle.
Don’t freakout! 4 charges
When another player fails a mental check you can absorb the brunt of it leaving them fine and you with a fetal position, and a few more charges to boot.
Someones hear. 4 charges
Youre radar is on , if someone with the ability to scramble youre brain is near you know it.
Get out of my head! 5 charges
When a character tries to get into your head by any means kick them out! This spell puts a wall around youre mind for 15 minutes.
Signifigant spells,
Fried egg. 1 charge
Enduce an extreme head ache on any one in youre line of sight. This head ache does’nt leave untill the character seeks medication or rest.
You scare me! 1 charge
Make any player or enemy terrified of youre weirdness for 1 day.
Brain drain. 2 charges
Absorb memories from a character that refuses to tell.
or memories that have been erased.
Total controll. 3 charges
Controll a character by whispering into their mind.
Any character of youre choosing is now youre personal zombie for 15 minutes.
Major spell,
Under lock and key. 1 charge
You can see through more eyes than youre own. A character of youre choice is now permanently tagged. At the mere thought of this character you can see through there eyes for as long as you choose , but beware looking through there eyes too long or too much will enduce Schitzophrenia on the character.
3 sigs to control someone for fifteen minutes is too much, particularly when all you need to do to get one is be freaked out by magick – and shouldn’t that be ‘witness’ anyway. given that the other two charge gathering situations are ‘witness’?
Don’t freak out is broken – no magick to gain charge, remember?
To be honest, I’m not really sure we’ve got a paradox here either, as a basis for the school. And what we do have is a powergamer’s dream range of headf**k spells.
Basically, cliomancy does this messing-with-the-head stuff, and does it better for my money.
I’m sorry.. but did you read my Psychomancy and attempt to make a cheap ripoff?
This idea is… well it has a lot of the same elements… minus the paradox… the deeper theme.. ya know.
Hey Dipshit have you even read unknown armies. The whole point is that the characters are flawed!!!!! I must agree that your a power gamer without a true since of imagination(hince the reply from C. P.) Do us all a favor and don’t post anything else until you learn what UA and roleplaying is about. Its a way to escape the average, mundane, boring world as we know it. Not an outlet for your god complex.
Im sorry no one likes this mage type it was my first time submitting. I also admit Im new to gameing , but who is the true gamer, one who sits around and does’nt try anything or
the one that simply tries to do his or her best. Oh by the way
R.Mcdonald you now have an asshole skill of 99 and you are the avatar of the dick head!
Mr. Macdonald:
First of all, I’m not an english native speaker, so please don’t bug me for this.
Secondly, your reaction to this school has been quite exaggerated, don’t you think so? We all deserve a chance to prove ourselves, maybe to err. You’ve been very rude, mate.
You owe Mr. Gillenwater an apology.
And, Mr.Gillenwater; don’t be taken aback by this “gentleman”; keep trying, my friend. At least, you play, and you do submit stuff! (Not that many of us can say that!)
Agreed Jose.
That was a little harsh Mac. I’ve come up with some sorry trash on the ua list, and I wasn’t burned like that.
I personally like the idea of people who want to get their heads messed up. So if I can find something entertianing here, why harras the lad?