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Eaten by Tomorrow

Ever get that feeling late at night that something is creeping up on you? This tape may hold the answer.

I heard about this tape, right? It’s kind of like that tape in that movie, you know, the one with the tape that kills you in seven days?. Anyways, from what I hear, this tape is pretty dangerous, but it is rather interesting. From what I hear, the tape is a normal looking black tape for a beta VCR which has a tendency to turn up in the oddest places, typically abandoned apartments and houses which haven’t had occupants for months or years, yet which are still filled with someone’s belongings. I hear that a copy usually turns up at occult bazaars and swapping meets, but it is rarely widely circulated due to the fact that it is beta. A friend of a friend of mine in Montreal apparently found a copy of the transcript that describes what the tape says and shows, though he hasn’t actually watched the tape. Eventually, I got my hands on a copy of the transcript. Freaky stuff man, if it is true and the tape really exists.

Man: My… my name is Marcel Arand. I think Tomorrow is trying to eat me. Already, time is slowing down around me, bending and warping itself to let Tomorrow get closer. Look.

Marcel: Now… watch.

Marcel: I noticed this beginning to happen last week, after I found the tape. I like to film myself doing things, you know? A little bit of magick and my VCR records what I do and see, right? Well, anyways, one night, I come home from my favourite bar to check what showed up on my tape, to see if anything interesting happened that I missed or anything like that. What I saw was myself having a conversation with a man I’ve never met.

Marcel: Here, I’ll splice in what I recorded.

Marcel: Mind if I sit here?

Man: Go head, it doesn’t really matter.

Marcel: Hey, why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind? Sometimes it’s easier to talk to strangers, you know?

Man: Huh, you really want to know?

Marcel: Sure, why not? I might be able to help you.

Man: Alright, sure, why not. Tomorrow is trying to eat me.

Marcel: What?

Man: You heard me. Tomorrow is trying to eat me. Every day now, it creeps closer and closer. Tomorrow has a hard time catching up to the now, but it can. Tomorrow is strong and smart. It can bend space and time to get to you. Ever had the feeling late at night that something was following you, but nothing was there? In that moment, you feel uncontrollable and irrational fear and time seems to slow down and stop? Yeah, that’s Tomorrow stalking you. It likes to stalk people…

Marcel: No kidding? Shouldn’t there be a lot of people missing then?

Man: It likes to stalk, yeah, but it rarely kills. No, it only eats those who figure out what it is. Once Tomorrow finds out you know about it, it’ll stalk you until it finally breaks through space and time to eat you. Then you disappear and no one remembers that you exist. Your name is stolen from you and any records that you existed disappeared. All that people remember you by is a shadowy recollection of a nameless someone they knew once. Oh, sometimes you’re preserved in a photograph or in a film, but Tomorrow will erase you completely, eventually.

Marcel: That’s a great story.

Man: It’s not a story! You want proof? Here.

Marcel: My… God.

Man: When Tomorrow gets really close, light starts to bend as well. I have maybe a few minutes left at most.

Marcel: But.. how?

Man: How? Beats the hell out of me. All I know is that nothing stops Tomorrow from coming.

Marcel: How did you find out about this? I mean, you’ve got to know something about how it happened to you, right?

Man: Yeah, I have an idea how this started. I liked to take pictures of interesting people who could tell interesting stories. One day, I found this fading picture of a man in one of my albums. As I tried to remember who he was and what he said, it hit me: he said he was running from Tomorrow and told me the same things I just told you. About a week after, it began to happen. Slowly, but surely, time around me began to bend and warp. I noticed my watch was becoming increasingly slow, but when I went to get it repaired, the watchmaker told me that there was nothing wrong with my watch. Then I began to feel it, a feeling of something watching me constantly. I began to wonder if the man had been telling me the truth. Well, it looks like he is right, doesn’t it?

Man: No, not yet! I don’t want to disappear!

Marcel: I’m scared. God, I don’t want to die like that. It’s too late for me though. If you see this tape, Tomorrow might start to hunt you. It’s alright, though, I’ve found Tomorrow’s weakness. It’s to late for me to use it to save myself, but you can save yourself with it. You can stop Tomorrow from catching you! It’s so easy, I can’t believe I never thought of it! All you have to do is…

One thought on “Eaten by Tomorrow

  1. bennzbub says:

    Very nice. Sort of an inverted langoliers. It does create an interesting speculation that if tommorow can hunt, can Today?


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