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UA Review

A review of UA

One of my players found this today.

Seems to be recent too. Don’t agree with it much, but it is a review of UA at least 🙂

8 thoughts on “UA Review

  1. Chance Lauziere-Peterson says:

    Well I read it and I thought of his review in a different way. I don’t find this all that offensive. After all isn’t the occult underground supposed to be a real mind twisting place?

    This is just a report from an un-enlightnened person who’s stumbled upong the underground in one swift read.

    These are my thoughts on it anyway….

  2. Hermetic says:

    The impression I got from the review is that the reviewer skimmed the rulebook, picked out the elements he found most objectionable, and decided to write a review that highlights those elements. Quite honestly, it was an unbalanced and unresearched review, and I do hope that anyone who reads it will realize that and attempt to hear “the rest of the story.”

  3. URNOVI says:

    I’m always leery of saying that people “just don’t get it” but yeah, the guy just doesn’t get it.

    To give him his due UA **does** deliberately focus on the fucked up end of the spectrum, and that isn’t to everybody’s tastes.

    More than most games, you need to buy into UAs worldview in order to enjoy it. A lot of people just don’t like the idea that (a) magic (which I also, incidentally, refuse to spell with a “k”) is an inherantly destructive path to follow and that (b) characters who follow an inherantly destructive path are considered entirely playable.

  4. zalliragy says:

    One of the things I disagree with is how he skimmed over the Adept paths, and decided that the magick was focused on the disturbing and demented things of life, just for shock value. In UA, magick has to be disturbing to work, since its post-modern. But for some reason, he refused to read the part of the book… that or I’m completely wrong, and he’ll kill me while I’m in the shower.

  5. deathmonkey says:

    could it be that the guy just has an opinion that is different from yours’ yet just as valid?

  6. Punkey says:

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but that doesn’t mean that they’re right. I could believe that the sky is orange, but that doesn’t make it right.

    However, since this is a review and therefore entirely a matter of opinion, it doesn’t really matter what they think. Sure, he might not have read the entire book, or he may have done that and decided that it wasn’t his idea of a good time. If he likes to walk the straight and narrow with his characters and games and focus on the more socially acceptable aspects of fantasy and reality, more power to him. Like URNOVI said, UA is definately on the weird end of the spectrum, and that doesn’t appeal to a lot of people. I mean, the average person is uncomfortable even talking about sex in public, but an entire school of magic based around the degredation of sex into a ritual act? Please. And that doesn’t even touch upon masochism and suicidal behavior as the route to power.

    But the last thing that you should do is accept his opinion as some sort of fact to be debated against. What does it matter? If someone’s smart, they’ll read more than one review before making a decision on whether or not to purchase something. It’s just another extremely biased opinion (are there any other kind?) in the shitstorm of chaos that the Internet thrives off of.

  7. deathmonkey says:



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