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Voodoo: the Other Paradigm

Macumba, Voudon, and Santeria, in a short summary.

In the inner cities of the coastal zones, one can find a few curious belief structures. Of which, only Voodoo has the cohesive power of the collective unconscious, but the spread pattern of a strong rumor and hearty gossip. In particular, it’s mysticism has made in every format from a Bond movie to comic series, from popular lore to uncommon rituals still practiced around the world.

It’s roots in ancient tribal customs in Africa is well-established, as is it’s more modern affiliations with the Spanish merchants/missionaries who settled in areas where Catholicism and squalor would both flourish with wild abandon. As such, the strongest of the beliefs about the culture would be cemented in reality through repetition, reinvention, and outright God-hijacking.

As such, I present:

Central paradox: Christian iconography with denounciation of core beliefs. Reincarnation, reclaimation of the soul, and transcendental mindset being almost anathema to the beliefs of Catholicism and modern Christianity. A duality is the least of their concerns.

Blast style:
Minor — the voodoo doll, popular in construction, may be ‘programmed’ in advanced for almost any archetype. As such, without the proper trinket, the blast will not function. A live animal will suffice, provided it is either shown to the victim in advance, it’s their pet/animal, or it has some other connection.
Major — endless dance. By exerting one’s self in an excited dance, one can then channel sufficient power into a specially prepared mixture of fugu, tetrodotoxin, and assorted herbs to make a potent concoction of paralytic/hypnotic narcotics, capable of rendering a human being utterly inert (able to spend significant or major charges, but at a downgrade in power — a significant equals a minor, etc., or at a two-for-one ration with no reduction in grade), and turn their Helplessness meter to the full-blown check of Helplessness-10 (being forced to obey the silent commands of the ‘houngan’ will do this to you), allowing the body to slow it’s function to the near-stopping point, but still remain unrotting and unmoving unless commanded. Capable of physical action, and with a -25% shift on all Mind and Soul stats, the victim is helpless until rescued, or the inflictor wills it away by destroying the urn acting as receptacle of the unfortunate’s ‘soul’. Notably, it’s not possible to act on a Rage, Fear, or Noble stimulus, as one is essentially immune to such needs/desires/terror.

there’s an equivalent ritual for almost everything going; if anywhere were to have a college of learning for the mystic arts, it’d be the Voudon.

Ahhh-hah. The tricky part.
Can’t hurt a believer in the power of voodoo. Also, can’t hurt the same person twice, unless they hurt you back in an equally dangerous fashion. As such, you can’t ‘zombie’ someone, and then just wait. They officially believe in voodoo, and they will, most likely, try to either outrun, or outright throw-down with you.

Side note: they are a racially diverse organization, and have two schools. I provide my thoughts, and offer it up to any takers, provided they run the rest of the way with the ball. Have fun, folks.

Ronde-des-Ames (Chain of Souls) : the informal word-of-mouth gossip social circle going around the world. ‘Friends of friends’, as it were.

Horse : someone prepared for a ‘loa’ to ‘ride’ them. Ritualistically, this is a major union, and never taken lightly. Watching this has been known to shock, and awe, first-time participants.

Loa : one of the multitude of spiritual beings aligned with the voodoun, each representing a different aspect of the world, both in physical nature, and in spiritual inclination. Some are listed below.

Ride : the bonding of a ‘loa (spirit) to a willing participant in a ritual, allowing the loa to function for a brief period of time; the exchange comes with a price, but also an equal reward.

Gris-Gris : the ritual bag worn by a houngan containing trinkets, awards, and fetishes dedicated to the culture he stands for, both to protect, and to ward off foes of all ilk. Also, a storehouse of power (charges).

Ghede: guardian of the dead, and patron of undertakers, he partakes of cigars, fine food, and wears black. Notably conceals his eyes, whenever possible, when riding someone.

Legba: guardian of crossroads and (technically) the Internet, as well as the internecine connections of the Ronde-des-Ames. Notably neutral, his ‘horses’ walk with limps, but at incredible speeds. Mocks having a crutch.
Sacrifices of chickens, rum, and fake limbs abound.

Chango: the chainbreaker, he stands for the independent spirit of the people of the Caribbean. His horses have been known to burst into flames, fly through the air, and perform acts of incredible strength. Shouts loudly, grins widely, and enjoys sacrifices of rum, gunopowder and anything that emits smoke.

Erzulie: the lover. Those channeling her have been known to giggle girlishly, flirt horribly, and in general act as if they were twelve-year-old girls on a slumber party. Fine foods, wine of all sorts, as well as pretty red clothing are especially prized, and rewarded.

Baron Samedi: the ancient enemy of the restful slumber of the dead, he protects the dead, but only so he alone can adjust their status. His worshippers are the more vicious of the voodoo-themed gangs, and have been known to carry machetes, revolvers, and bullwhips, the symbols of the slavemasters of old. His color, of course, is black, and his fondness for rum is extrodinary. Those channelling him can drink small navies of sailors under the table.

Damballa: the serpent of the skies, he is capable of curing illness, and his horses have found themselves curled under flat rocks and on top of houses’ ceiling beams. His worshippers find floods less damaging, and at times, downright helpful. Dedication, as well as sacrifices, garner his favor.

A word about ‘veves’:
Veves — the spiritual equivalent of gang tags. Made from flour, corn meal, or ground grain, it is found on the floors of ritual houses, and acts as a conduit as well as sign of dedication to a given set of gods/loa/spirits. The two factions of note are the Petra, and the Rada.

Rada Loa are easy-going, and slow to anger, but also, long to cool down again. Righteous, but not preachy, they are the more common of the loa’s aspects.

Petra: the worst kinds of people could be said to be influenced by the Petra, not the other way around. Every low, craven, and ill-advised thing could be easily attributed to one aspect or another of a Petra Loa. Cranky, dense, and irritable, they are less common for day-to-day worship, but often brought about to settle scores, pick fights, and lay waste to enemies.

Voodoo. The Other Religion.

Brought to you by the SuicideKing, worshipper of Legba and Ghede.

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