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Ever wanna punch someone right in the eye?

Well here’s someone to hit!

I heard that there’s this guy downtown. Naw he’s just some duke, don’t think he’s an adept or anything. Anyway, from what I hear, anytime someone or something hits this guy in the right eye he releases some mojo!

Yea I know! Weird huh, and the levels of mojo seem to be different everytime. Not sure if it varies on time of day, or type of hit I’m not oo sure.

I just hear that if ya hit him in the eye you can feel the mojo wash around ya!

How am I gonna find ’em?

Well with a little luck, and hitting everyone uptown with a right black eye I spose!

One thought on “Ever wanna punch someone right in the eye?

  1. Tim Bisaillon says:

    I can take a hint.;)


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