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The One

“Are you saying I can dodge bullets” “No I’m saying when your ready…You wont need to”

The One

Copyright Jay Lawrence

“Are you saying I can dodge bullets” “No I’m saying when your ready…You wont need to”

Attributes: In these past few years a new archtype has risen from the ashes. The One is somone who believes what they have seen in the Matrix movies and believes to such an extent that they can perform feats just like it. Only in the last few months did a teenager named Ian Murry ascend.

Taboos: Failing to believe in yourself to the point you fail to be the one.

Symbols: This archtype dosnt really use many symbols, except for maybe the mobile phone and the gun.

Suspected Avatars in History: A young boy from Australia named Ian Murry who watched to much of the Matrix Movies and ascended to the clergy.

1%-50%: “You take the red pill” – The avatar may use his The One skill for any knowledge check related to supernatural belief in himself. At this level he/she may use their skill to flip flop any failed action.

51%-70%: “Welcome to the Real World” – At this level the avatar may use their path rating to attempt to perform superhuman actions. A fail of any kind is an Instant Fail and a break in Taboo but a pass of any kind means that they automaticly perform this feat.

71%-90%: “He’s begining to believe”- At this level the avatar is very close to the archtype or at least getting closer. At this level they may use their avatar rating to re-roll any madness self checks. A pass means that no Failed or Hardened notch is garnered.

91%+: “He is the one”- At this level for all purposes the avatar is the one. They may use their avatar score to roll for any action no matter what it is they can try to do it. (I.E. Dodge bullets, Stop Bullets, Fly) all this can be done by using the avatar rating.

Well thats my firt go ever…what do you think guys? I havnt even read the book just played with a friend.

10 thoughts on “The One

  1. Alcar says:

    Hmm. The One strikes me as more as some Gifted Prodigy idea (Or, perhaps a necessary servant who went through the House of Renunciation :)). Only major criticism is that the 91+ seems way too powerful. It might be best for the godwalker, who would have good reason to be The One.
    But if The One already ascended, and each follower believes *they* are The One seeing them call each other “Agent Smith” and try asnd defeat/kill the other false pretenders would lead to an interesting situation.

  2. zalliragy says:

    But I’m seeing a problem, if the Avatar is based off an idea thats modern, are you saying that the Avatar hasn’t ever shown up in the past before The Matrix?

    Because, by my beliefs, The One wouldn’t be an Avatar, since it hasn’t been around for long enough for it to be in heavy use enough for the Cosmos to notice it.

  3. InfinityWpi says:

    No problem, Zalli. You see, ‘The One’ is really a modern imterpretation of an archtype known as ‘The Messiah’. Only these days, kids use its power to dodge bullets and fly instead of part the Red Sea or turn water into wine. The Austrailian kid didn’t ascend… he used his Godwalker channel to ‘exit’ the real world. Jesus Christos is still the Avatar, and he’s got a lot of people who’ll make sure it stays that way…

  4. Dalamar says:

    Oh man your good. Yeah the australia kid did use the channel to exit the real world…lol

  5. URNOVI says:

    Sorry, not buying it. Yes,the Matrix is a popular movie, but it’s not big enough to count for Ascension, and the suggestion that watching the matrix a million times will get you into the Clergy is the worst sort of wish fulfillment.

    A “The Chosen One” avatar path could work, with The Matrix as its mostrecent mask, but tying it so explicitly to The Matrix is, frankly, kinda lame.

  6. Daniel Butler says:

    Is this guy 12?

  7. Dalamar says:

    Hmmm actually no…he is 19…my roommate

  8. paul f. says:

    here’s how i worked it. i wanted to use the neo-esque abilities in my campaign of ua, so i also invented a new avatar. instead of being based directly on the matrix, however, i gave the avatar the description that he “believes there is a greater truth.” and those who believe most intensly become avatars to The One. (or as i call him, The One With Clear Vision). in my campain, this avatar is someone who can feel the statosphere and begins to see reality for what it really is. i think you can mold the avatar a little bit better to the ua world without using the matrix as a starting point. o yeah, and since he’s so freakin’ badass my One is a villain.

  9. URNOVI says:

    Ultimately you’re still going beyond what an Avatar is supposed to be. You could just about get away with a “The One” archetype, but you really need to bear one terribly important thing in mind.

    They will be no more important than any other Archetype.

    The One is a viable archetype because the idea of a chosen one goes back to the roots of human history. The saviour, the messiah, the chosen one. So it is prominent in the popular conciousness, so it is a viable Archetype.


    The same is true for the Demagogue, the Savage, the Guy With Pencils Stuck In His Eyes and every other archetype out there. The One is no more important than any of them. The problem both of you seem to be falling into is making an avatar of The One an *actual* messiah figure rather than an embodiment of the abstract notion of the hopes of a people being manifest in one individual.

    If you see what I mean.

  10. Menzoa says:

    The first and most glaring problem is that it revolves around an internal perspective, rather than a role that must be acted out. For archetypes, it doesn’t matter one bit what you believe, just what you do.

    if you wanted to play with powers based on this, it should be a school. It seems like this was made into a Archetype just so he wouldn’t have to bother charging up before he could throw k3wL pOwRz around.


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