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Conspiracy Theory 101-001-101

Going out on an op, and need something to read? Might I recommend against a certain title, perhaps…

True story.

Sort of.


It’s bullshit, but it’ll work, for now.

Stay with me here, folks.

See, when anyone famous gets a shot nailed off at ’em, the gunman (or woman) has a book on ’em. Everyone knows this; c’mon, don’t play dumb. No, no… really. It’s always the same; JD Salinger’s ‘Catcher in the Rye’.


It’s a bad luck magnet, that’s all. The book isn’t a symptom of a deranged mind (beyond some fairly cheesy writing, it’s also not a bad book), it just sort of finds it’s way into the pockets, backpacks, or carseats of the shooters. It replaces their personal manifestos, wills, or descriptions of their funereal wishes, whatever. And suddenly, like fucking magic, they remember buying it! Even if they couldn’t have, they suddenly *know* they bought a copy, or stole one. Whatever.

It’s the psychic leftovers from a screwup; the book’s about one, the one carrying it is one, and anyone who’s buying it recreationally has a decent chance of being one, too.

/loonyminded bits from a GMC Oneiromancer viewpoint.

OK. That bit of nuttiness aside, some say it’s just an urban legend. I think it’s coincidental, if it’s true.

Now, if you can prove somehow John Wilkes Booth carried a copy, I’d be impressed….

Mr Unlucky
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One thought on “Conspiracy Theory 101-001-101

  1. strange_person says:

    He was, I saw. When he lept from the balcony it (actually just the cliff notes version) morphed back into a flyer for the play, fell out of his pocket and landed on the stage. Nobody noticed some weird little pamphlet in the ensuing panic.


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