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Unknown USA: Driving for the King (Campaign)

The IC campaign log of a street-level UA game with delusions of national scale.

This page contains the IC letters of one Reese Beulay, messed up backwoods redneck master of maps. They’re more or less a campaign log of an excellent campaign involving derro, the Seven Cities, a True King, monetary standards, populism, the crossroads, blues, and pancakes.

2 thoughts on “Unknown USA: Driving for the King (Campaign)

  1. DannyK says:

    I love this. More, please! I’d love to see the gamemaster’s notes, too, if there are any. Is the campaign still going on, or are these just fond memories?

  2. Bryant says:

    It’s ongoing. I’m two letters behind, counting the one for the session we had Monday night. I will be at Gencon this weekend, but I’m gonna try and catch up next week.

    There are, happily enough, GM notes.


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