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Masonic Glory Hole

Channeling the Naked Goddess, or joining her

I found it surfing the internet… don’t look at me like that. Anyway, listen, the “Glory Hole” inquestion was not the usual type (ie: a small hole in a wall from which emerges a cock, etc.). Check the arrangement of the duct tape edging the portal…

That’s right, the bottom angle forms a Square, exactly 90 degrees… see the 24 regular-distanced marks drawn on the Square-tape; the upper angle forms a Compass, shown in the way the Compass-tape tappers to a point. And look, only one shaft of the Compass is revealed — applied on top of the Square — while the other is hidden below it, representing the Secret Masters.

And what comes from the Sacred Door thus circumscribed? Nothing less than the Revealed Shaft, the Cock that would be His, extending the All-Seeing Eye into the world. Whoever it is, he learned the power of anonymity, the greatest clue left to us by the Goddess. No credits, on the guys or on the girls.

I’ve found the actual tape it came from, and from that, the production house. They don’t have a steady studio, but they don’t need one. Anyway, the distributer won’t tell me who is behind the wall. Either they don’t know (maybe because of some power produced by the act), or they’re protecting him…

Which is where, my friends, you come in.

9 thoughts on “Masonic Glory Hole

  1. deathmonkey says:

    what in the hell…? i’m confused.

  2. DannyK says:

    Very cool. Not anything that would fit in any UA game I’ve ever run, but very cool nonetheless.

    I wonder, though, who is really being had here? The Masonic duct tape is on the other side of the wall than the owner of said tool. Maybe whoever is running this show is getting some advantage out of making a succession of random schmoes into Him Behind the Wall.

    You could also bring up the whole Clinton-era thing of the guy with identifying marks on his penis…


  3. Menzoa says:

    Well… maybe he’s got a tatoo of the letter “G” to complete the masonic symbol, or lines radiating on his head to indicate an “All-Seeing Eye.”

    Well, I had figured that it would be the same guy behind the wall: people can still identify the Naked Goddess, they just can’t find her name; one can be identified without an identity. And the “Glory Hole” theme is a perfect fit with the idea of the “objectified star” that he’d be channeling.

    But the producer may be making a number of these, creating a cult of male avatars of the Naked Goddess. And female ones too, through the women, already objectified by their pornographic vocation.

    I figured this would be a hook for some sort of ascension cabal, from one side or another, something to keep the Sect busy. The idea of warring occult pornographers strikes me as very amusing, and completely matched for the game… or at least something going on in the background.

    This hook is more in keeping with a Naked Goddess cabal game, like the scribbled pages found in the introduction fiction of the UA2. He’d be the sort to surf the net for a clip of the Naked Goddess online, which would bring him to the Masonic Glory Hole videos.

  4. DannyK says:

    I think you should be proud to have introduced the phrase “Masonic Glory Hole” to the Internet. 🙂

    We should have a UA contest: take one of the top-ten Google searches and turn it into a UA rumor, cabal, or artifact.

  5. Menzoa says:

    You know… I just thought of another angle, that could bring in a TNI angle:

    This seems like a low-budget parallel to Abel’s “Night’s Templar.” Maybe even a project of the presumed-dead director Carl Plogue, now burned and crippled beyond recognition.

  6. Mr. E says:

    I like the term – “Masonic Glory Hole,” but, being of the mountain people persuasion (slightly elevated redneck – tain’t racists), I must admit to a fondness for “Masonic duct tape.” Yee-haw!

  7. Dan Fitzpatrick (2) says:

    I thought this rumour was hinting at a scene in a Naked Goddess video where she has sex of some type with a penis sticking through a glory hole. Now, if you want a major charge, all you have to do is find out who it was…..

  8. Sir Cabhán says:

    Could it be John F Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe?

    That would be the perfect representation of the Naked Goddess and her consort.

    For those who didn’t get the all-seeing eye reference, the glans is sometimes refered to as the Jap’s Eye over here in the UK… O_o

  9. Galen says:

    oh, here in the US, I’ve heard it as a reference to hole on the other end.

    I’m talkin about the butthole, son.


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