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Individuals who believe they have a Pooka, Guardian Angel or similar Protective Spirit.

Pooka: (n) from old Celtic mythology, a fairy spirit in animal form, always very large. The Pooka appears her and there, now and then, to this one and that one. A benign but mischievous creature very fond of rumpots, crackpots and how are you Mr Wilson?

Everyone has talked to themselves or to people who aren’t there at one time or another. Most have even asked for help from such “invisible” aides, for example help finding something or succeeding at something (“Oh, please let me find my keys” or “Don’t let the light change” or “Did I turn off the oven”). Often, this works. People sometimes attribute these incidents to Guardian Angels, or Protective Spirits, or Pooka’s. Similary, when something goes wrong, they may blame it on vengeful spirits, demons or spirits not at rest. This is more true than they know. For the select rumpots and crackpots who have struggled against reality and won: a Pooka (or Angel or Spirit – it makes no difference. This entry is done for Pooka, but applies equal to any of them) is their best friend. The Pookomancer must have a complete and detailed description of their friend. As a note, Pooka’s are generally large animal people, such as 6’3” rabbits or the like. Angelstend to be winged, blond over blue people, but do not have to be. Spirits vary from culture to culture.

Pookomancers draw their power from people’s belief in the existence of the Pooka. While some are happy to anonymously generate belief in the Pooka through cults or through creation of stories and legends, most spend their time in populated areas, attempting to introduce the Pooka to people, and fostering belief one person at a time. An even smaller faction makes people believe through deeds, horrible or wonderful.

Pookomancers are usually obsessed with their Pooka, generally attempt to make sure the Pooka is happy and healthy. They must watch out for the Pooka’s belongings, particularly coats, hats, etc., and make sure the Pooka has transportation, shelter, food and drinks. The Pookomancer spends his time concerned about the Pooka than about himself. While the Pooka does not stay with the Pookomancer constantly, it will always come back, as they are best of friends. However, the Pookomancer generally does not like this time apart, and often will spend it looking for or worrying about the Pooka

The central paradox of the Pookomancer is that the adept relies absolutely upon the Pooka (or spirit or angel) for all of his supernatural abilities, even though ultimately that spirit is only a figment of the Pookomancer’s imagination. While it doesn’t cause a loss of charges, the Pookomancer cannot use his charges if the Pooka is not present (i.e. the Pookomancer has said he left to go to another bar or location.) If the Pookomancer can justify the Pooka’s return (“Oh, you made it just in time to save me….” “3 O’clock, you are always so punctual”), then he can start using the Pooka again.

Pookomancy Blast Style: Pookomancy’s blast style is very straight forward. While the Pookamancer does nothing, the Pooka will beat up the target. It cannot be used on a target until that target has been informed of the Pookas existence (Regardless of whether or not they believe in him).

Get a Minor Charge: Make someone act as if they believe in the Pookas existence, even if they don’t believe in him. Examples of success would include a waitress asking for the Pooka’s order without being forced, someone holding a door or car for the Pooka knowingly, Someone asking the Pooka questions instead of the Pookomancer.

Get a Significant Charge: Make someone actually believe in the Pooka’ s existence. As always, charges cannot be spent to make charges, so no Pooka magic used to prove the Pooka’s existence does not generate a significant charge.

Get a Major Charge Make 10 million people believe in the Pooka’s existence in one shot OR Make a professional Debunker/Skeptic believe in the Pooka’s existence to the point of becoming a Pookomancer themselves.

Taboo: A Pookomancer looses all charges if he ever accepts or admits that the Pooka doesn’t exist. This taboo includes incidental admissions, such as forgetting to take the Pooka into account in things such as counting heads, asking opinions, etc. The Pooka may be left out of things (“Why don’t you wait here…”, “You hate swimming, don’t you?”), but cannot be ignored by the Pookomancer (For example, not buying a plane ticket for the Pooka when traveling, or forgetting to ask what the Pooka wants at the bar/restaurant.).

Random Magic Domain: Space and Objects. The Pookomancer can (through the Pooka), interact with things without actual physical contact. The Pooka can witness conversations and events without the Pookomancer present, and then tell the Pookomancer what happened. The Pooka can move objects and get into fights with people.

Starting Charges: Starting Pookomancers have 4 minor charges.

Minor Effects
Help Me Find My Keys. 1 or 3 minor charges.
When something is lost, two sets of eyes are always better for looking then one. The Pooka will help look for the item in an area no bigger than a room, for one charge, or a house/yard for three charges. If the item is in fact within the area, the Pooka will find it. The Pooka does get the item, only to know where it is and tell the adept.

Now You’ve Made Him Upset 1 Minor Charge
This is the Pookomancer’s blast. It represents the Pooka hitting the target in a normal fighting method. This can be a punch, kick, trip, tackle, or any other appropriate damaging blow, but it must be unarmed.

Get That Would you? 1 minor charge
Given that the Pooka is invisible, it can easily retrieve items without being seen. If the Pookomancer can see an item, or knows exactly where it is, the Pooka may retrieve the item, or move it as if it was being carried. This does not make the item invisible, and the item must have a destination when the ability is used. It can also be used to open or close doors, windows, briefcases or anything else easily manipulated. By spending 2 additional minor charges, the Pooka can manipulate the object instead of carry it. This allows the Pooka to play pianos, pour drinks, turn on the TV, etc. The Pooka can only do things that the adept could do if he could touch the item. If a skill is necessary, use the Adepts appropriate skill (i.e., while the adept claims the Pooka plays piano better, he actually uses the adept’s Play Piano skill.)

That Seat Is Taken 5 minor charges
The Pooka, while invisible and inaudible to anyone but the Pookamancer, does have a physical manifestation of sorts. If the Pookomancer declares that the Pooka is sitting somewhere, no one else can physically sit there, as something is in the way. Similarly, if the Pookomancer states that the Pooka is standing in a doorway, blocking a passage, or otherwise preventing entrance or movement, the area identified is blocked off until the Pooka moves.

You Saved Me (Minor) 3 Minor Charges
The Pooka consideres the Pookomancer his best friend, and would never let him come to any harm. As such, whenever the Pookomancer is in danger of receiving damage from something other than an attack, such as being in a fire, falling out a window, being hit by a car, or having the toaster fall in the bath tub, the Pooka may intervene to protect him from damage. This cannot be used on attacks or specifically directed damage.

He’s Harmless 3 Minor charges
If the adept’s use of the Pooka has triggered a reaction, such as a search for the source or a fight or who closed the door, the Pooka may draw the attention away from the Pookomancer. This has a bonus of 10 to succeed against anyone who acknowledges the existence of the Pooka. If successful, it allows the Pookomancer to slip out of the area without drawing any attention to himself. The Pookomancer cannot take any participation in the battle or initiate any contact with the others in the room once activated. The effect ends the moment he reaches the outer edge of the battle or crosses the threshold of the room, whichever is further away.

Significant Effects
I Wasn’t There, But He Was 2 significant charges (4 if location not known in advance).
While the Pookomancer prefers to spend his time with the Pooka, sometimes the pooka goes off on his own. When the Pooka returns, he can tell the Pookomancer what he saw or heard while he was gone. For this power to work retroactively, the Pooka must have been sent off (or left of its own accord) during the relevant time. If the Pookomancer knows where the “spying” would need to occur in advance, the cost is 2, while if the location is unknown, the cost is 4. The Pookomancer may treat it as if he was at the event, in the same exact position that the Pooka was in when spying.

Oh, Really? I Didn’t Know That. 2 significant Charges
Sometimes, the friendship with the Pooka allows the Pookomancer to accept unusual and stressful situations better than others. Whenever an unnatural stress test is called for, the Pooka can explain what is going on, and obviate the need. Similarly, whenever an isolation stress test is needed, the Pooka can reassert his presence and friendship and obviate the need.

I Would Have Died If It Wasn’t For…. 3 significant charges
As mentioned above, the Pooka will do anything to protect his adept. This protection extends to any attack or damage that is derived from an item, including bullets, swords, trash cans, etc. The Pooka still cannot protect the adept from hand to hand attacks, but the adept is safe from pretty much anything else. A possible (no matter how implausible) explanation of the save must be possible, such as the Pooka knocked the attacker off balance or the adept out of the way, the lighter the Pooka gave you was in the path of the bullet, the Pooka caught the trash can, etc.

Now You’ve Made Him Really Mad 1 significant charge
This is the Pookomancer’s significant blast. Instead of the single attack for the minor blast, the target receiving a severe pummeling from the Pooka. The Pooka remains invisible during the beating, but it is clear to an observer that the target is being beaten up. With a critical success, if possible, the target is knocked into others who may join in the beating (in a bar for example, it could result in a bar brawl).

Hold On To This, Will You? 2 significant charges
When this effect is used, an item small enough to be carried by the Pookomancer is given to the Pooka to hold. It immediately vanishes from sight, and only those who can see the Pooka have the slightest chance of noticing it. Only the Pookomancer can Pooka holds an item. At any time the Pookomancer can have the item returned. For one additional significant charge, the Pookomancer can have the Pooka give the item to anyone else who believes in him or leave the item somewhere where it can be found.

Isn’t He Marvelous? 1 significant charge
When a Pookomancer has caused someone to believe in his Pooka, the Pooka can become visible to that person. That person will be able to see everything about the Pooka that the Pookomancer does, and will be able to talk to him. The Pooka, however, will remain exclusively under the control of the original Pookomancer. The effect lasts for one hour, though the target may extend it indefinitely by spending 1 Minor charge per hour, regardless of their magic type. The use of this ability has been known to lead to the creation of new Pookomancers.

Major Effects
Move a person to a different location against his will. Hide the adept from others for an extended period of time. Have an un-friendly Pooka permanently harass an enemy.

10 thoughts on “Pookomancers

  1. Daniel Butler says:

    Does this look like D&D? Yawn. Next, please.

  2. deathmonkey says:

    sounds like a pretty fun idea to me.

  3. Ihcuiltli says:

    Deathmonkey — you’re absolutely right. What the heck does Butler mean with his D&D comment? All facetiousness aside, what *does* he mean?

    I think the entry is very well thought out, and well-balanced. I’m tempted to try this out for next campaign.

    Sounds a lot like *Harvey* to me (if you haven’t seen the movie, do it soon — very cute, and a lot of fun!) ….

  4. Alcar says:

    I like it myself. The only thing is that it might be a bit hard to get a minor charge – unless you’re a kid named Calvin and lots of people humour you 🙂
    It’d be a wicked schol for kids….
    And a grown up version, say more like Freddy for when the kid gets older and redisvovers his pooka courtesy of LSD or something, it could be ugly (they did have lots of nasty associations, after all.

  5. URNOVI says:

    “Sounds a lot like *Harvey* to me”

    I’m fairly sure it was the big influence for the school. The “pooka” definition given is a direct quote from the movie

  6. Feq says:

    Yes, this is based on Harvey. I watched the movie recently and thought it would be a great school.

    As for building charges, its hard in new places, and easy in the old haunts. In new places, it may happen by accident, or as a result of your actions or the actions of your companions. For example, if people walk around where you say he is standing, despite not believing he is there.

    In places you go regularly, getting minor charges is easy. If the bartender asks for his drink when you walk in, or a cop tells you he hasn’t seen him when asked without giving you strange looks, the barber asks after the pooka’s health, or the bus driver asks for two fares because he knows you will insist on paying for the pooka.

  7. strange_person says:

    To me, it sounds like this is gonna be the newest popular school for street thugs. Think about it:

    “What’s that Harvey? You want that ugly chump to hand me his wallet? Whatever you say…”

    could be a very menacing thing; after all, to get a minor charge, they have to acknowledge the Pooka’s existence without being forced too, but intimidation works just fine, and “as a result of your actions” could well include having an ongoing reputation for having your threats followed up by unseen, supernatural force.

  8. Toshi says:

    I think its a cute idea. I mean, it would only work for certain people, but you would assume that a special person would be needed to play a Pookamancer. And Feg is right about the location factor, but that is what would make playing a Pookamancer fun. I give you two thumbs up. What’s that Carlos? Oh, yeah, Carlos gives it two thumbs up too. What? He’s right there in that chair, silly person . . .

  9. Christopher Smith Adair says:

    I like it. I think clarification needs to be given on charging. Is it every time an individual acknowledges your invisible friend? Can I just keep saying “Hi, Pete’s Dragon” and you keep getting charges? A time limit would help this. Once a day from an individual for a minor, maybe. Or every few hours. I would think the significant would only occur for the first instance of belief. Maybe another significant charge generator to add to it? Pretty difficult to convince someone that your invisible friend really exists without using magic. Not sure what, though….

  10. Berserk X #33 says:

    I loved the idea. It would be a great thing for babysitters and daycare workers. Getting lots of charges and doing your work very well.

    I believe that this adept class would work better with people who work with children, since children are more ease going with this kind of thing, and you would have a more diverse source. Adults are way harder to make “join in on the fun”, and if you coherse someone to doing that I believe it’s still going against their will and also bring you some unwanted attention of the sleeping tiger. Or just think you are some random junkie or have serious mental problems and dismiss your advances.

    Allways remember, if you ever become notorious as “that guy that can move things with his invisible friend”, you can be sure that the Sleepers are going to be at your hug at any moment.


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