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The Unobtainable Harlot, The Sacred Whore, The Naked Goddess, The Objectified Object, The Priceless Prostitute, WECHBY – The Woman Everyone Can Have But You…

Attributes: The Naked Goddess is an enigma within the Occult Underground. She one of the most famous people in the world, but no one knows who the hell she is. She has a whole priesthood devoted to her but few to none have actually claimed to channel her. Perhaps the rumours are true about someone here or there, but most of them are unsubstantiated. This is the way of the Naked Goddess and the avatars that exist in her name.

Taboos: The channeller must be a female and have natural beauty or appeal. She must also be emotionally uncommitted to anyone or anything (she may not have any obsessions, but she can pretend). She can never offer herself to anyone without being offered a sacrifice or payment beforehand. She may turn down the offer, but she must be offered something beforehand.

The most difficult part of WECHBY is that you may not know you’re channelling her. It has to happen in total ignorance. As soon as the avatar realises that she is channelling the Naked Goddess – getting her power from her – she breaks the taboo permanently and irrevocably. Once she is gone from your life she is gone for good. No amount of pleading is going to bring her back.

Symbols: The Beer Commercial Chick, the gold-digging Ice Queen, the courtesan, any form of pornography (girlie calendars, underwear catalogues, magazines, centrefolds), provocative nude dancing and striptease, the vagina. Inanna who stripped naked to see her sister Erishkigal in the underworld is common.

Suspected Avatars in History: none… Fashion models and gold-diggers are suspects as are innumerable ice queens…

01% – 50%: the avatar becomes preternaturally alluring or sexy in some unidentifiable way. This does not mean beautiful. She may either Flip-flop any social roll or roll her skill and her channel and pick one of the results.

51% – 91%+: No one has yet reached any of these channels. A channel similar to Create Desire (UA2 pg. 297) may be one of the channels… but no one knows.

Every time the avatar raises her channel by 10%, the GM rolls her channel score. If the result is successful, something happens to inform the avatar she’s channelling the Naked Goddess and violates the taboo. If the avatar’s occult knowledge skill exceeds her current exceeds skill she is assumed to have discovered about 1) archetypes, 2) avatars, 3) the Naked Goddess, 4) and her ascension as an archetype. At this point it is assumed the avatar has violated her taboo.

This is typified that the avatar will be able to instantly recognise the face of the Naked Goddess were ever it may appear. Indeed people who have a similar build and facial features will illicit recognition.

6 thoughts on “W.E.C.H.B.Y.

  1. deathmonkey says:

    what kind of underwear catalouges do you have were you live that they can be considered porno?

  2. Insect King says:

    It’s the “type” of woman that features in these catalogues. The walking, breathing sex-toy/good-time-girl. She would also include ’50s cheesecake images – the easy woman you’ve always wanted but doesn’t actually exist.

  3. David M Jacobs says:

    Have you read Neil Gaiman’s short story, "Looking for the Girl"? (It’s reprinted in Smoke and Mirrors.) It’s about the search for a Penthouse model named (amongst other things) Charlotte.

    The protagonist spends years and years trying to track Charlotte down; she appears every so often in Penthouse, but she’s always nineteen… and always has been. She just turns up on photographers’ doorsteps, does the shoot then and there and disappears without a trace, not even bothering to collect a fee. She’s half Flying Dutchman and half WECHBY.

  4. Reed says:

    A good take on the Naked Godess!

    But how does one become a godwalker of the WECHBY if they aren’t allowed to know what they’re doing?

    It goes against what an Avatar is to deny them the willfulness to follow their path.

  5. Jade D Hammons says:

    It doesn’t go against this Avatar… which is why it’s title is a misnomer. As revealed in the main book she is “the woman everyone can GET but you”

    As soon as you start trying to ‘get’ her, whether on a physical, emotional, or cosmological level, you fail. By her very role in the Statosphere, you can not succeed.

    Which is why The Cult of NG is already splintering, both sides are wrong. But from a personal point of view you’ll never say you don’t get her, beccuse you just know that everyone else does, and you won’t reveal that weakness to them.

  6. Unfinishedbusinessman says:

    I agree with Reed, I don’t like the fact that you can’t knowingly channel the archetype, it seems to fly in the face of the whole avatar cosmology.

    Although it is a great way to make sure your position isn’t usurped by a greedy godwalker. It does seem like the Naked Goddess would be the weakness member of the Clergy because she rapidly runs out of followers, unless this is part of some larger plan.

    Even the Mystic Hermaphrodite can be dedicated to their path without taboo-ing.


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