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A cabal or not a cabal, that is the question, or isn’t it? Or is it a parasitic psychic vortex or is it an arty vampiric Happening?

The Chaoties or Quixotes as they were once known isn’t actually a cabal but a ghost of something older, a groove or hiccup in the Universal Unconsciousness. A carnival of orgiastic idiocy that spontaneously sweeps up a group of people and after the whirlygig of fun has spent itself, dumps the unwitting revellers in strange places and sometimes in stranger situations.

In Europe there used to be acting troupes, festival plays, circuses, carnivals, circuses for adults, called the Commedia del Arte or court jesters or Punch and Judy shows, or… well you get the picture.

Well they’d been going on for years as Harlequin or the Crocodile and doing carnival humour called satire – the use of ridicule or irony for humour.

But then theatre crept up and so did the demand for plays featuring characters not moon-faced masks. Then the silent movie and now downloads on PC.

But something still moved, although it was a soft breathe not the rage it once was. Once the travelling comedians left; sometimes, something would happen to a group of ordinary people. And afterwards they all had vague recollections of what went on during police questioning.

They all remember doing certain things and it was hilarious at the time. But in the light of day, those things are repulsive. Was it just the irresponsible jet intake of drugs and alcohol?

I heard it was Hunter Thompson that called chaoties Chaoties after joining a street party in Mexico and waking up in the Californian desert with an empty revolver in his belt. Or was that Dirk Allen? No one is too sure. Greek myth buffs like Ken Hite talks his Bacchanalian revels, in post-war Spain and Mexico certain people talk of Quixotes. Paul Jefferson told everyone they’re called Cooties. Then again, Plucky gets everything half-and-half. Just like his life. You must get Plucky to tell you about Dion Sinus and his gang of hard-core Winnebago drivers.

Bob Packer calls them coyotes. That fits too well.

Didn’t Chuck Manson throw a big party for his Family before they went into Hollywood?

Somewhere in the California desert where hippies and surfer dudes go to hit acid, is a slight wind and a manic glint in the eyes just waiting to happen and laughing voices just behind those dunes…

Plucky also said that knows of a guy that took three hits in that desert and swore he saw a giant eyeball staring at him through a hole in the sky. Freaked him out shitless apparently. God knows where Plucky finds all this crap. He’s full of hocus pocus poser shit.

When enough people get together with the intention of relaxing and letting their hair down that’s when it happens. Especially when people lower their psychic resistance by doing drink and drugs, perhaps too many drugs and drinks, too quickly.

All the party-goers start channelling the Fool and all the decks of cards in the nearest town start pulling jokers and jacks and all dice roll sevens with only ones and sixes in gambling dens and board games. Sometimes French Salad dressing instantly separates oil and water. They can’t mix. Milk as well, sometimes.

Maybe this is why existing avatars aren’t affected, but are welcome for a free ride.

Everyone’s Mind stat is halved and gains the Soul skill Avatar: Fool by the same amount. The party becomes much more fun and inhibitions go out the window. Everyone acts like two notches have been removed off all their failed notches and hardened notches.

No one makes Sanity checks while doing the Chaoties’ dance-and-laugh. The Chaoties are a gang of about nine, ten people – no less than three less, no more than three more.

Everything else is for their amusement. Anything, too.

The carnival can get very far, very fast. They can go too far as well. They don’t care just yet.

The party can go on for a night, but no longer than three days. Everyone’s just too exhausted by then, physically and financially. And closer to California for some reason.

The Chaoties all seem to move by some unknown reason towards the Californian desert. Why?

Once the tornado isn’t strong enough to maintain the illusion, everything returns to normal. Everyone’s worn down by the bump and grind and their Wound scores are halved. If anyone had sanity checks of Rank-5 or higher to make, they start making them now, when they realise what they’ve done.

If they start running they might keep up, up and away from Johnny Law.

Hey! How come Chuck Manson went away from the desert, then? Huh? Why?

I couldn’t care.

You know in the Matrix and Keanu Reeves has all those plugs in his head and his back. Those are his chakras. Can you believe it, metal-plug chakras? That’s what it’s about. The monster Tuh-tuh-transformer robot dudes are, like these pah-parasite spirits that plug into your chuh-chakras and suck out your soul. But they only live in the duh-duh-dream-world and they’ve taken over this wuh-world but they’re still sucking out your soul. Ah-ah-and we made them all and they’ve taken over. It’s juh-juh-just like the tuh-tuh-terminator moh-movies.

Did’ya know that when Plucky freaks out he stutters? He can’t swear he just says pluck all the time. Funniest shit you’ll ever see. Makes him say pluck a lot more, too.

Fuh-fuh-fuh-fuh-fuh-fuh-pluck you!

One thought on “Chaoties

  1. deathmonkey says:

    don’t try and dig what we all ss-ss-sssay!


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