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The Next Man

A man attempting to ascend as the most important archtype of them all.

Down in Texas there was a duke who was thinking

about starting up as an avatar with the intent to

ascend. The prize sounded pretty good right,

superpowers and immortailty. Then he found out about

one of the big secrets of the underground, that

everything was gonna restart. Well when he heard

about that he thought “Fuck This” and started looking

for a way to get real immortality. Problem was he

found it. He learned all about the Comte from someone

or other in his travels and his head came up with

this:”The Comte de Saint-Germain must be a godwalker

because he’s on earth so he must be waiting to

ascend. Therfore I may be able to beat him to it.”

To do this he figured the Comte’s job is to make the

world work right. He’s been trying to fix things up

before the Comte can ever get there. Its even seemed

to have gotten easier as he went along. He also has a

cult over in the midwest worshiping him as a god.

Figures it can’t hurt to at least start messing with the

mass mentality and make his mark. He’s also checking

on the rate of the clergy through demons. Promises

them immortality and power in the next world and a

body(from his cult) in this one, so they go with it. He

supports anyone’s attempt to become a new archtype

and tries to get them up as best he can. He wants the

world to reboot before he dies so he can be considered

immortal and fight the Comte to ascend.

Obsession: Immortality

Rage Passion:Adepts he is beginning to interalize his “avatar” and anything that breaks the order of the cosmos like that pisses him off.

Fear Passion:(Helplesness)Death.

Noble Passion: Helping the world. He genuanly thinks that the Comte’s state is hurting the world and he can help it.

Body 60(Decent)
Struggle 20%

Speed 70(Ex-Pickpocket)
Cross country driving 25%
Dodge 15%
Initative 40%

Mind 50%(Slow on the uptake)
Occult Lore 15%
Spot Cosmic Rifts 25%

Soul 65(Feels your pain)
Avatar:The First and Last Man 30%

His avatar skill allows him to see if a cosmic problem is happening within his skill number in miles and where it is on a sucsessful roll.

Violence 1/0
Self 4/2

7 thoughts on “The Next Man

  1. InfinityWpi says:

    I have a feeling the only reason this guy’s still alive is because he’s making the comte’s job easier… otherwise, he’s toast as soon as the Comte gets annoyed with him…

  2. bennzbub says:

    That or the freak is keeping the comte off his back. The freak wants to amalgamate the Mystic Hermaphrodite with the Last man and take the universe back to the way it was before the last twist.

    do you ever dream that the walls are snoring? The last twist was an improvement.

  3. Mr Unlucky says:

    Eerie thought.
    Comte’s a Godwalker, perhaps.

    Maybe this guy doesn’t even remember being the Comte.

    It’s *assumed* he’s got his full compliment of memories.

    Wonder what would happen if something, say, jogged his memory?

    “Now… where was I?” — Leonard Shelby

  4. Alcar says:

    Here’s another .. Comte was the First Man …. but what if they are two *different* archetypes? The comte ascended as the first man when he was born (Perhaps the first child?) and then his father ascended, and Comte gets knocked to earth, as happens each time, and then continues in the world to become the Last Man, by virtue of being the only one left around.

    Which would mean the Last Man archetype IS up for grabs (tho you’d need to somehow arrange to be a first man symbolically) . .and that the clergy has one less open seat than people think.

  5. bennzbub says:

    Or what if its backwards. What if the Last man becomes the First man by being the avatar of ‘the Survivor’, You dont need to metaphorically be the first man because the ascencsion of the survivor happens at the same moment of the return of the survivor. The moment the survivor ascends a new world is created. The middle ‘null’ time between worlds is inhabited only by the clergy and the souls that escape the twist.

  6. Insect King says:

    I have a question, why does the Next man’s Mind Skill: Spot Cosmic Rifts and his Avatar’s first channel do the same thing?

  7. M121 says:

    No spot cosmic rifts is just his notice skill.


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