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Dead Receiver

Unnatural Geiger Counter


Power: Significant

Effect: This radio is similar to the Crying Doll, but a bit less versatile and much less likely to draw strange looks. It produces static when in the presence of unnatural beings, the volume growing as they get closer or more numerous (maximum range is 64 feet). It does not detect magickal humans (adepts/avatars) or artifacts. It is somewhat useful for ghost hunting, but does not indicate direction except by the volume of the static. It’s also creepy as hell; realizing what it does can force a rank 2 stress check for the Unnatural, depending on the setting.

Description: This artifact may have been produced by a game-centered offshoot of the Videomancers, or may have come about spontaneously. Evoking a prop in the Silent Hill game series (and before that, the book The Mist) that produces static when “monsters” are close, it is a red, pocket-sized broken radio with an extendable antenna.

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