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I Know My Occult Stuff, Man!

How to use your occult savvy or trivia skills regarding the Occult underground.

I Know My Occult Stuff, Man! (Mind Skill)

The character can roll to see if he recognises magic, whether seeing it in action, a bit of the written formula, or sifting through the after-effects. The character can also recognise adepts and their spells, GMC personalities, unnatural phenomena and creatures.

This doesn’t include ritual ceremonies, recipes for artefacts, or any formulae he doesn’t himself possess. The character doesn’t know anymore than the title (as printed) and a line, maybe two from the descriptive histories.

·The Easy Stuff…
The character can roll a significant check for any occult thing from the Unknown Armies 2nd ed. rules book. This is unless the source material is applicable to the character. A TNI flunky might well know TNI Occult Stuff with a normal roll.

·Who the Hell’re You?
If a GMC doesn’t have Reputation as a skill, halve his highest skill (pick one), and this is what the GMC is best known for.

·I Think I Heard About this…
For information derived from a subsequent Unknown Armies source book, the character must roll a major skill check.

·Strangerer and strangerer…
Anything that isn’t common knowledge, like an Avatar’s second to fourth channels, might impose additional penalties or require a Hail Mary roll. As can significant rituals and the like.

·What the Fuh?
For information derived from sources external to the official Unknown Armies product line (such as mailing lists, web-sites, or the GM’s own imagination) you have to roll a major check at –20%.

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