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Project Rebirth


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Report: Terrorist threat to Project Rebirth

It has come to the attention of the Department that a new terrorist force has appeared, in response to Project Rebirth detailed below. Recommend extreme action.

Attached File: Rebirth.exe Summary: Using unorthodox methods, vis a vis the bombing of Kabul/Baghdad and possible future bombing of Tehran/Pyongyang, project hopes to empower Polisurgistical Resource Unit. End Goal: Restoration of the World Trade Centre in New York City, as existed on September 10, 2001.

The terrorist group known as the ‘Sleepers’ appear to be linked with the People’s Liberation Army and possibly Al Qaeda, though this is as yet unconfirmed. Internationally based with large asset base, used in small-scale attacks. Linked to bombing of McDonald’s in France and Indonesia, as well as worldwide assassinations, mostly of street junkies and others deemed morally undesirable by the group’s ideology.

Death of the Baghdad polisurgist under our control last week has been linked to an Indian national living in Great Britain now being investigated. Project Rebirth has been postponed by these developments, indeed the entire project is on the verge of failure.

Recommendations: The Sleeper terrorists need to be nuetralized. Suspects to be detained at Guatanamo Bay perpetually. Continued pressure upon the White House to act against Iran/North Korea. Increased protection to compromised enemy polisurgists. Increased funding.

Message ends.

4 thoughts on “Project Rebirth

  1. strange_person says:

    Well, it’s nice to know the feds are, infact, ultimately on our side.

  2. Qualia says:

    That depends on what they want the WTC towers back up for…

  3. Mr Unlucky says:

    Anyone else seeing a sudden drop in Cliomancers’ potency?

    Maybe it’s just me.

  4. Insect King says:

    I had the French SG and Interpol declare the Sleepers a subversive terrorist organisation, with links to criminal cartels.

    The SG are the Franch internal intelligence operations – unless they’ve changed names.




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