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Those crazy movie taxi drivers!

Need to get somewhere in a hurry?

Okay, so the other day after Jodus left us. I ran into these two punks who hang with Frankie’s crew… They were all like.. ‘What you doing movin, on our turf Shin?’

So I tell’s them to shove it and I take off runnin, I’ll be damned if they make my days pay…

I was lucky enough to be able ta grab a cab on the corner. After slammin’ the door shut, those two asses were closin in y’know. So I yell.. Take me out of here.. Fast man!’

And what does he ask me?
‘How much ya got?” and gives me this weird smile…
I look at him rummaging through my personal pocket of cash… not the wad of bills for the drugs… and toss whatever change i had at ‘im. Something like $20 or $30 bucks and the ketchup packet from the Clown’s place a few blocks back…

So the cabbie floors it and takes off leaving those two goons bitchin’ in the street. I’m laughing until I realize how this guy’s drivin’. Like a damn maniac!

I swear it was like outta the movies man, he was swerving this way and that, cuttin people off, and the speed limit was only a suggestion to this guy! He drops me off right at Green Hill, right where our Turf starts, and then calmly smiles back at me the same way as before. “Here ya are kid”

I swear I was in a movie man, either that or I’m just eatin the Clowns food to much eh?

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