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Triumph of the Will

Not all Videomancers waste their charges on having sex with Buffy…

Hey, man, I used to work at the television studio downtown. You know, they broadcast the local news every night at six? Anyway, there was this guy who kept wanting to be a news presenter for a day. Kept saying weird shit like “I need to be one with my fetish” and other crazy shit. Anyway, the guy in charge sez no way.

Me being of the inquisitive type, I followed this psycho dude home. Thats when I saw all the nazi stuff. This dude had swastikas all over his house, WW2 memorabilia, the whole bit. Yeah, I didn’t know there was people like that in town.

Anyway, I decided to watch him for awhile. I get my mojo from stalking people, y’know, so I thought it would be interesting. Anyway, this guy would sit on his ass all day watching old Nazi film reels. Except at 6. Then he’d watch the local news.

This went on for months, all he’d do was pester the guy at my station all day, and watch TV otherwise. Until one day, my manager finally gave up, and let the nutjob do the news for a day. I half expected him to yell ‘Sieg Heil!’ at the camera or something, but he just read the teleprompter and walked out afterwards, smiling.

So of course I followed him, and waited outside his house. He sat down on his chair, and turned on the footage. He had a big TV so the picture was massive. Anyway, he just sat there until about half past three in the morning. I was just about to leave, when he got up and touched the screen with his hand.

And then Hitler just walked out of the screen.

I almost shat myself. There was good old Adolf, clear as day. In black and white. Standing in this guys living room.

What did I do then? Are you kidding? I ran like hell!

Next day the dude was gone, house empty, stripped. I never saw what happened to the guy. But whenever I hear about neo-nazis or something, I get worried. He’s out there somewhere. I just know it.

6 thoughts on “Triumph of the Will

  1. M121 says:

    Excellent. There’s just no other feedback I can provide other then this is really good stuff.

  2. The Tim says:

    I agree but have to add the classic question: why is it that UA mixes so well with Nazis?

  3. Menzoa says:

    because UA sticks it fingers into the known and concievable horrors of what people actually get up to when they do or don’t let pesky morals get in the way, pursuing ideals to terrible conclusions, etc.

    Nazism is just a shining example of how bad it can get, and subsequently, in theme. Also, it can be appropriated by those who would never be considered up to snuff in the Reich, and appropriation is so PoMo.

  4. David K. Tormsen says:

    Thanks for the comments.

    Speaking of UA and Nazis, I was thinking of writing up some schools based on modernist 1930’s schools of magick that no longer function in the 2000’s, such as Radiomancy (killed off by the rise of TV) and perhaps a form of magick based on obsession with Race Theory (killed off by the Holocaust in Europe and the civil rights movement in the US). I thought it would be useful for setting adventures in the UA universe’s 1930’s, as well as for standard time travel situations. Sound any good?

  5. Mr Unlucky says:

    Perhaps some of those Brazilians-with-German-accents might have some dusty, musty ol’ tomes o’ mystic hoo-aah hidden in their hordes of Swiss gold.


    I mean ‘family heirlooms’.

    Sorry about that.

    One wonders what was left over from Hitler’s race for a superior supernatural weapon to bring to bear against his foes, both foreign and domestic.

    Then again, the rumors of his workings with the supernatural could be an elaborate plot by Cryptomancers…

    Speaking of… anyone see a CIA operative/agent who’d not make a good Cryptomancer?

    “… Secret Agent Man… Secret … Agent Man… They’ve given you a number… and taken away your name..” — Johnny Rivers; Secret Agent Man

  6. Detective says:

    See, this is why I made the Superhero archetype. I can’t count the number of times Hitler has come up in comic books, and this would make a great adventure for such heroes.

    I don’t mean to cheapen your idea by blabbing about one of my own, David- I think it’s an awesome start for any campaign, and I think it’s particularly cool how well it fits with what I’m working on.

    –The Detective–


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