Necessary reading for free-wheeling Christian swingers . . .
There’s a passage in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 17, around verse sixteen or so.
” You also took the fine jewelry I gave you, the jewelry made of my gold and silver, and you made for yourself male idols and and engaged in prostitution with them.”
There’s a holy dildo out there somewhere, encrusted with gold, silver, and God-only-knows what else. Talk about a charge . . .
Didn’t TNI bankroll a porn flick called Night Templar or somesuch? Did it include a mock-up of this ancient ivory sex-toy?
Holy Dildo, Batman!
(sorry, just couldn’t resist)
May you live to be a thousand years old for this, sir.
Thousand years, huh? Well, I’ll still be going straight to hell afterwards, but okay, thanks . . .
Give that one to the Godwalker of The Girl Next Door and watch the archetype implode on itself.