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My name is Stan

A monster can live and work and enjoy life, just like the rest of us

Hi, my name is Stan, I work at McDonalds and I’m a troll.

I came to this plane of existence 6 years ago when I was summoned by a group of geeky kids and ordered to attack the gym teacher. After killing the teacher the kids didn’t know the ritual to banish me, and I’ve been stuck here ever since.

At first I was angry. I would go on these rampages through the streets and smash anything in my path.

After getting my butt kicked a couple of times, first by another group of geeky kids and then by some professional Japanese guy with a huge glowing sword, I wizened up and sort shelter.

I struggled at first but I managed to get a correspondence high school diploma with the help from a booze junkie who used to be a mathematics teacher who wasn’t afraid of my appearance. I also managed to get a job at McDonalds because nobody really looks at whose serving behind the counter and they definitely don’t look whose flipping the burgers.

I’m now married to Charlene, a wonderful woman who sees what I am on the inside, I’m busy with a university degree via correspondence studying Operations Research and Charlene and I are thinking of having children of our own.

I might be a monster on the outside, but I’m only looking for the next dollar like the rest of humanity.

Thank you

2 thoughts on “My name is Stan

  1. Mr. E says:

    We feel for you, Stan . . .

  2. Menzoa says:

    I think I went a blind date with someone like Stan. You know, the kind of date that makes you wish you were blind.


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