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The Zupruder Effect

Is Kennedy Truly Dead?

If something is recorded and shown to the world is it true? The world likes to believe it so. Police beating a man to the ground, a shuttle breaks apart in the atmosphere, a jetliner slams into a building. All these events forever caught on tape and replayed throughout history.

In the age of technology everyone has cameras, videos to snap slices of time. Not only do we get to witness events unfold, we can experience them from different angles.

But what if some of the film we see is not true at all? But a glitch or an effect that a video has caught, due to the what the viewer what to happen? To catch a moment in history that will certainly live on.

One such device is the camera that Abraham Zupruder had with him the day he video taped the president on Nov. 22 1963.

The movie camera that Abraham Zupruder shows us what we truly want to see. It’s a shot of what we want to happen and it is recorded in this 8 mm.

Truly Kennedy didn’t die on that fateful day. But, the camera had caught him catching a bullet. The film has been show many of times, so much infact that it’s the historians continue to talk about the event.

If I can ever manage to find that camera I will be able to prove my theory.

I’ve been searching high and low for this camera. I thought I had it last year when I purchased it on e-bay. But, it turned out it wasn’t the camera at all… just a real good facsimilie of it.

One thought on “The Zupruder Effect

  1. Mr Unlucky says:

    That’d be my fault.

    I forged the picture posted on eBay.

    Therefore, I invalidated the Zapruder camera.

    I could have simply taken the picture, as I know where to find the camera (specifically, you have it already, and it was sold to you), but this is more … insidious.

    By forging the picture, I enforced it as a forgery and fraud on many levels.


    I crush a theory, it’s a minor charge.



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