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The Inn at the End of the Worlds

The Inn at the End of the Worlds exists, and I know of a portal to it in Bournemouth, England, but it is only open for 13 minutes from 1am on the morning of the 1st of November each year.

If you go to the Gander on the Green on the Lansdowne in Bournemouth and get to know the lady who owns the pub, you might get an invite to a private patrons’ lock-in after hours on Samhain’s Eve. Everyone who attends the lock-in is involved with the local occult underground in one form or another, from mere street urchins like us to Adepts and Avatars. Last year some
Godwalker was there, but don’t ask me who or what she was a Godwalker of. I didn’t ask as it was impolite, and she didn’t say, neither.

Anyways, if you get in on the lock-in, make sure you get to sit right at the back of the pub on that long seat on the back wall, right next to the fire escape. At 1am it will start glowing an eerie green, and that is when you walk through it and into the Inn at the End of the Worlds. No
one else can see it but the person who is sitting in that seat when it happens. Only one person can pass through each year, so you had better keep a hold of that seat.

So what is the Inn at the End of the Worlds? It’s where people go to wait out the end of this age when something big will happen and everything changes and becomes new. It’s the only sure fire way of being there when it goes down and still be alive afterwards. It is rumoured that it is big enough to hold all who are there and then some, like it doesn’t obey the laws of the universe, but rather, its metaphysics resembles that of an Escher painting. Some have been there since before the start of this age…

Anyways, I got me an invite to this year’s Samhain lock-in, and when the clock strikes one I will be off through that door. You just wait and see – I ain’t missing a chance to see the end of the worlds for anything or anyone.

Wanna come? Then get your own invite for next year, and every year after that till you get through that green door.

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