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Vladmir Szelek

what happens when the Vampire Lord of Soho sells guns with the Russian mob?

Vladimir was born in 1921 in a small town in Poland, right in the Carpathian mountain range. His parents were of the famous Drakul lineage (really the family Szelek) but were currently living in an inherited castle in Poland. In WW2 he was involved in the Russian strategic command in Stalingrad. Oh and he’s a global level Epideromancer with a tight relationship with London-based Russian organized crime groups.

That’s all anyone really knows about his past, for he is fairly careful with the information he provides. Vladimir is intended to be a powerful, mysterious, and dangerous GMC who could facilitate the role of either villain or neutral. As an ally perhaps but the circumstances would have to be fairly unusual. As will be discussed below Vladimir runs a lot of ex-USSR guns with the Russians and could possibly be the PCs arms dealer in a London based campaign (as firearms are very difficult to obtain in the UK).

Vladimir is an ediperomancer, who, like many others, wishes to change the world in his image. He is eternally experimenting with his magic and is quite twistedly artistic with his ‘modifications’. He owns a club in Soho called Temhota (darkness in Russian I believe, if someone knows a superior translation please email it to me) which is basically just kind of a dark, smoky rave/jazz/Goth type bar (it kind of crosses some boundaries artistically) where a small but loyal clientele attends. The club sees S&M freaks, Goths, X fiends, junkies, up-scale yuppies looking for sex/drugs, and, by far by minority, the occult underground aware. Vladimir knows most of the powerful dukes and avatars in London as well as the sleepers but doesn’t interact with any of them that often. His club is almost like a very minor version of Club Apocalypse in NY, but way toned down. Nothing really crazy goes down in Temhota but it’s a good place to meet people if you know what you’re looking for.

Vladimir is the one always chilling in a velvet corner booth, wearing dark Versace or Armani suits and sunglasses despite the club being only lit by black lights. He’s always surrounded by 3 or 4 big Russians in suits, and there is always a Kalashnikov hidden behind the bar and under his table. He just radiates the Russian mafia image and his ‘associates’ will back it up.

His operations are as follows: He owns 3 real properties in London, Temhota in Soho, a whole floor warehouse loft apartment only a few blocks away, and a shipping company called Carpath industries which deals with import/export from central and Eastern Europe to the UK. Carpath industries mostly deals with the importation of Vodka but secretly every shipment of 50 crates of Stolichnaya contains a crate full of 74s, Tokarevs, and 47s. He pays off a customs agent who probably wouldn’t notice anyways. Vladimir is very careful and doesn’t import many guns at a time/doesn’t sell to anyone except trusted allies. As one would expect from such industries, Vladimir is quite rich. He uses the money to live an opulent lifestyle, pay his Russian ’employees’ and generally do whatever he wants. He always travels by his personal limousine and occasionally flies to Eastern Europe or Poland.

Unknown to all, Temhota contains a dungeon underneath it where Vladimir keeps his play things, human and beast alike that have been so horribly warped by his experiments they are more monster then human/beast. He keeps them in several pits and feeds them irregularly (if they die he can always create more, think ‘the case of Charles Dexter ward’ by love craft). The humans in his pits are primarily homeless men or prostitutes that he has abducted over time (an interesting one shot plot might be discovering where a PCs disadvantaged friend went after being abducted by ‘the Russian mob’….).

Vladimir’s henchmen are Russian criminals whom he sponsors for immigration to the UK as shipping workers for carpath and barstaff/security for temhota (being quite successful, Vladimir usually gets his way with immigration officials when he wants new recruits). His men are recommended to him by organized crime contacts in Russia who chose the men for their brutality, loyalty and ability to shut up, and who are compensated accordingly.

Vladimir Szelek
global level vampire/epideromancer

Calm, vengeful and articulate. Vladimir is every part the Eastern gentleman and is extremely hospitable until he is crossed.

Physical Description-
Vladimir is tall, slim and pale. he always wears dark suits and sunglasses and wears his long dark brown hair back in a ponytail. He looks a little like the Russian gangster leader in the movie ‘the saint’.
Control, Vladimir wants to be dominant in every aspect of his life. he is a true Viovode (commanding prince) (self)

Rage stimulus-
Loss of control and rudeness. When people interrupt him or do not properly respect him as host or business associate Vladimir gets very angry (self)

Fear Stimulus-
Death. Although he will not shy away from conflict Vladimir has lived a very long time and would like to live quite a while longer (violence)

Noble Stimulus-
doesn’t have much of one, except that he is loyal to friends and is a good host (self)

Wound points-150 (raised over time with epideromancy)


fencing (struggle)-55%
general athletics-25%
Ignore Pain penalties when angry-30%


drive-10% (hasn’t driven in years)
avoid attack (dodge)-50%


cover of darkness (conceal)-50%
twisted philosophy (gen ed)-40%
knowledge: history-40%


Epideromancy (obsession)-65%
Conceal Motives-40%

Note that Vladimir has slightly more skill points then the average global level character. This is because he is 83! You would know a lot too if you were that old.

Madness meter- Don’t worry about it…he wont be making any checks unless he like witnesses and ascension from 10′ away or something and no one other then a GM will ever get to play him.

Possessions- Always carries a beautiful antique ebony cane sword. Expensive jewerlery and very expensive suits with a fat wallet. Whether he is in his club or a limo or at home there is always an AK-74 nearby (usually a couple) and all his men are always armed with silenced tokarev 7.62 MM soviet pistols.

Please comment this is my first entry.

6 thoughts on “Vladmir Szelek

  1. M121 says:

    Should’nt this be under dukes?

  2. El Malo says:

    Opps, yes he most certainly should be…anyone know if its possible to transfer him to dukes instead of adepts?

  3. Phenix says:

    I like it, but I’m confused as to how his obsession relates to Epideromancy.

  4. El Malo says:

    His obsession is tied to epideromancy in that he uses fleshworking to control reality around him. By modifying himself and others he is in complete control of the physical/mortal aspects of life.

  5. Adam K. Strange says:

    I think that Vlad would be great to use with my group. Maybe it will teach them some manners. And if not, well its usually not good to piss off an arms dealer, especially one that can melt off your balls.

  6. Mindwracker says:

    “Darkness” would be Temnota in russian, not temhota. Its only the kyrillic letter for “n” looking like a latin “H”.
    It would be pronounced as tj:m-na:-TAH, with the first two syllables almost swallowed up.


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