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New rumors

Some rumors I made for my players

I made some of these for a handout for my players, as I wanted to have a few nifty new rumors. I figured I’d share the ones I made, that weren’t just “stuff from the book that I slammed into the rumor section, after mangling it a bit.”

There’s a manhole cover downtown marked that, if you examine it closely enough, is marked with a pentagram. If you climb down it, and follow it to the north and then the east for a half hour you’ll reach a room that sings of divinity.

A certain television show about a badass warrior woman and her blonde lesbian lover is based on reality, and contains hidden clues to the history and future of magick.

A local band from the 70s stole a powerful ritual, and hid it in one of their record albums before they were killed. You can still buy it at some old record stores.

There’s a secret language that all animals share. You can take courses in it at the local college, if you know who to ask to get registered, but the homework is a bitch.

Not every memory you have is real. Cryptomancers, bizarre astral entities, the Government, or the Illuminati plant some of them, and others are just cosmic blips.

An old man from Germany has made a clockwork – I want to call it a car, or a tank, but it’s not really – and he keeps it under the bridge that starts with a M. It’s defended by a small horde of clockwork monsters, though, so keep away.

There’s a book that was written in the dark ages that contains 101 rituals of mystick significance and details of ancient horrors trapped away. The roleplaying industry is based around a cabal that found this book and has been attempting to get the rituals out into the public eye, but they split years ago and now compete with each other.

There’s a man in Jacksonville, Florida in a military compound, one of the officers. He’s part of a large conspiracy designed to usurp the United States Government and spearhead a military coup. He acts to safeguard his position for now, playing like he’s a great protector, but once he gets enough support he’s going to make his move. He already has control over most of the Southeast.

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