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Magic Pockets

A weird jacket

The Jacket of Magic Pockets was created by a plutomancer. The original aim was to make a magic pocket so that all his money would automatically be in the right currency for wherever he was. Unfortunately, a jealous rival screwed up the operation of the artefact by slipping things other than money into the pockets.

The jacket looks like a normal leather coat. It has two pockets on the outside, and three on the inside including a hidden pocket half way down the wearer’s back.

Any item you put into one of the jacket’s many pockets, will always be in a different pocket when you come to take it out.

Whenever the owner attempts to take an object out of their pocket, they make a significant roll against their “finding things in pockets” skill (soul based). A proper success means you find the item you were looking for. A minor success will let you take out something else you put in there.

Fail, and you can find something left in the pockets by a previous owner. These include:

A mousetrap (take your damage like a man)
Wooden nickels (number equal to dice roll)
A bloodstained handkerchief
A 16″ glow-in-the-dark sex toy
A warrant for your arrest
13″ of piano hinge
A piece of bacon (uncooked)
Forged banknotes
One of your internal organs (only on a critical failure)

If you pull coins out of the pocket, you get a number of pennies (or local equivalent coin) equal to the dice roll. If you pull out banknotes, you get a number of $1 notes (or local equivalent) equal to the roll. There are always coins and notes in the pockets, no matter how many you remove. There are always wooden nickels too.

The last plutomancer who used this coat eventually committed suicide after managing to withdraw 99 wooden £5 coins. The bloodstains washed out easily enough though, and the coat was last seen being bought from a small pawn shop in south London. Who knows where it could turn up next…

4 thoughts on “Magic Pockets

  1. Crudeboy says:

    Got change for a kidney?

    Yay. Good stuff.

  2. Nicodemus C Power says:


    I wasn’t quite sure whether to allow an epideromancer to do that deliberately for a sig/major charge… removing one of your kidneys should probably count. But, of course, you could never be certain you wouldn’t go too far…

    Imagine the news report “Corpse found holding his own heart”… that would baffle the normals

  3. Nicodemus C Power says:

    OK, I’m confused.

    Why isn’t this on the contents list for the artifacs section? In fact, I don’t see it in any of the section lists.

  4. John Scott Tynes says:

    It didn’t have a category assigned. Fixed it.


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