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Burning California

What, you didn’t really think it was just an accident, did you?

Remember those big fires in Northern California a while back? The ones that burned for weeks? And how police think that it was intentionally started? I think they were some clever Sterno’s plan to load up on charges.
Think about it. Do you know how many people’s homes were destroyed? How many valued items were burnt to ash? If destroying one treasured possession gives you power, how much power does a thousand give you. All I want to know is, what’s he going to do with all that power?

2 thoughts on “Burning California

  1. Mr Unlucky says:

    I think he got his wish; start more fires, with no apparent cause.

    Trick is, to find which fire was his ‘charging’ fire, and which are the side effects.

  2. thanthos says:

    How did it stop, then? That’s what I’ll like to know.

    Heard that the Godwalker of the Firefighters himself turned up; did the whole waving a chicken over his firetruck schtick. But that’s just what I heard.


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