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Weird science from Russia … a girl with x-ray eyes?

Pravda means truth, or does it?

The science section of the English version of Pravda sometimes carries reports of the weird and unnatural.

For instance, there’s a report about a girl who apparently has x-ray vision.

The Demkins family remains puzzled as to the origin of their daughter’s gift. Perhaps, Natasha’s latest surgery has triggered such “vision improvement”. Natasha’s appendix has been removed. However, by the time she was scheduled to be sent home from the hospital, she could hardly move. Ultrasound revealed that doctors forgot to remove sanitary cotton tampons from the girl’s intestines. Natasha was once again hospitalized and operated for the second time. In a month after that incident, the teenager was able to surprise her mother with her unique quality. “I see a crimped tube similar to our vacuum cleaner inside of you. I also see two beans and a tomato that resembles a bulls’ heart,” states the girl. Back then, she was not aware of medical terminology and could not provide a proper name for a heart, a liver, a kidney, or intestines. She simply compared what she saw to fruits and vegetables.

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