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A pornomancer walks into a bar…..

Last week, I was over at Dead Eddie’s and …..

So last week, I was over at Dead Eddie’s in Cleveland, and a pornomancer struts in. No this isn’t a joke. She’s looking for a dark stranger that goes by the name of Teech. Turns out that the Naked Goddess showed up at an amateur night at a strip club outside of Chicago, just a month or two before she ascended. Teech was in the audience and ended up killing a Goddess look-alike, a dead ringer. Sounds like he almost got the Goddess that night. So why is the Cult of the Naked Goddess looking for Teech? Apparently he remembers what songs the Goddess danced to.

4 thoughts on “A pornomancer walks into a bar…..

  1. Mr Unlucky says:

    Got the word someone found a bus she was riding on got mothballed; the one she took to work for a month, while her car was in the shop. The car is supposedly in the hands of three Plutocrats called the Magnificent Bastards Club, and they’re looking for the bus.

    The seat she sat in is covered in her sweat; it won’t dry, get smudged, nothing. Gotta admit, it would be as close as some people get to a miracle fluid.

    If you collected enough drops, you could make a proxy bond.

    Are you afraid yet?

  2. Xael says:

    I would’ve put this down to more fuel for the “she knew what she was doing all along” theory-kinda like the “Rosa Cross” video. Teech (Teacher? Sounds like some kinda old-school occult title) got wind of it somehow and wanted her out of the way.

  3. Jaculi says:

    Or maybe someone else knew what was going on. If Arkane interfered w/ Abel’s ascension, maybe he (or someone else) was at the club that night, pushing/pulling Teech toward one girl or the other.

  4. AndyRaff says:

    Maybe the “look alike” was the real deal, and she just came back to life three days later.


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