Making back-alley abortions 100% safe.
Power: Minor (single use)
Effect: Allows a minimally-trained abortionist to perform the procedure with little pain and no complications. All the fetal tissue is evacuated during the procedure, and the woman is as good a new in 2 days. No infections, no scars, not even any strong regrets… at all.
Description: A plastic container (about the size of a small lunchbox) with a set of plastic or ceramic, single-use instruments for performing an abortion. There is also a bag to store the resulting fetal tissue, which then fills the box. Once used for the procedure, the instruments, masks and latex gloves are discarded.
Note: These artifacts can be found in use by back-alley abortionists all over the “Deep Southern” states. They are air-tight, freezer-safe, and easily shipped in brown packaging.
Turns out that they’re free, but strictly rationed. Of course, it’s the distribution that holds the story hook. That it also function as a collection network for the old ones, like milk bottles in the old days.
These kits are produced by the Abortion Underground, based on the school of Maternamancy.