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Saith the Lord

Everyone knows the Compte has some big plans. Maybe bigger than anyone knows.

Revelations 1:8

I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Kinda makes you wonder what exactly the Compte was up to, say, a couple thousand years ago. Now it may sound crazy, but hear me out. Everyone knows the guy is a long-term planner, though nobody agrees on what his plans are.

He’s gotta have his fingers in this thing; I mean, Alpha and Omega? Could he have been any more obvious?

I’m not even going to guess why he did it, but the real question is this: if the world’s largest religion is the setup… what’s the payoff?

4 thoughts on “Saith the Lord

  1. Alex says:

    shits and giggles.

  2. strange_person says:

    I gotta agree… watching 2000+ years of people murdering each other over a guy who got nailed to a tree in the spirit of peace and love is extremely amusing.

  3. Xael says:

    He’s downpowering archetypes. Christianity’s replaced a lot of traditional pagan gods with it’s own saints, who are nowhere near as powerful. The question then, of course, is why?

  4. Ben-San Arizona says:

    Downpowering or unlocking? Consider that nearly every saint is at least in theory a once-living human who *ahem* ascended into the hosts of heaven, frequently as the patron of some profession, virtue, or role.
    (Of course, the kicker is that all of them are subordinate to God, who millions upon millions of people believe the originator of that quote to have been…)


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