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Dame Jane, Pain Is Her Game

What would you get if you crossed Batman with Darkman, well another city vigilante actually…

Jennifer Vallejo was a cop, working on some several unsolved crimes in the city. She was getting close to nail a serial killer known as “Ripper Pox”, when she stumbled upon some sort of wackos, dancing naked around a table and chanting, reciting lyrics to a sixties song.
Before she knew it there was gun-fire, as a rival wacko group stepped in and begin systemically slaughtering, the dancing hippies. Jennifer stepped in to see what was going on and before she know it there was a explosion.
Jennifer doesn’t know what exactually happened, but on that day she discovered that the pain that she receives, can help her do some things impossibles.
This lady is addicting to pain, her skin is covered with welts, bruises and scars.
She is known as Dame Jane, guardian of the city, and she is using her special abliity is to channel her pain, into making her rolls.

Personality: Vigiliante (A combination between Batman and Darkman)
Obession: Pain
Wounds: 80

Rage Stimulus: Those who put children in harms way.
Fear Stimulus: (Helplessness) She is afraid of losing her magickal healing capabilities. Though, she likes to put herself in harm, she doesn’t quite understand the limits of her healing capabliites.
Noble Stimulus: Ridding the city of the scum.

Body: 80 (Takes a licking, keeps on ticking)
Eat boot MoFo 65%, Work out 50%,

Speed: 65 (Catlike Grace)
2 Gun Mojo 55%, Diving For Cover 50%, Sneaking 50%

Mind: 50 (Impulse Drive)
My New York 50%, Notice 50%, General Education 40%

Soul: 60 (Heart of Gold)
Charm 50%, Lie 25%, Pain Channelling 55%

Violence: 3 Hardened 1 Failed
Unnatural: 3 Hardened 2 Failed
Helplessness: 1 Hardened 0 Failed
Isolation: 2 Hardened 1 Failed
Self: 0 Hardened 1 Failed

Dressed in torn jeans, a red t-shirt with the I Heart NY logo, in a leather trench-coat. Here weapons of choice are 2 Redhawk Super Revolvers.

2 thoughts on “Dame Jane, Pain Is Her Game

  1. Jade D Hammons says:

    Tim, a definition of pain channelling would be nice 🙂

  2. thanthos says:

    Sounds like Epideromancy if you ask me. 😛


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