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Initiative This.

Yet another variant for determining initiative.

In my games initiative dice are rolled and added together to determine a range between 2 to 20, so if 18 is rolled 1 + 8 = 9. The highest roll goes first, followed by the next. Thus if “cherries” are rolled, the player roll the dice and add the result to the dice roll.

So if 55 is rolled, 5+5=10, than 33 (3+3=6), and finally a 91 (9+1=10), the iniative for this phase is 26.

When the pc/gmc has done there action they minus -10 too see when they go next in the phase. This continues until all actions are done and then the process is repeated again.

2 thoughts on “Initiative This.

  1. Insect King says:

    Hey Tim.

    Do you roll Speed or just a d%. If it is Speed, what happens when you Fail the Stat check?

    If you roll Matched Pairs, do you roll again and add open-endedly?

    What would you use for Default Initiative and Ambush Initiative?



  2. Tim Bisaillon says:

    Just a straight d% roll. Because I like my combat to be totally random and chaotic.

    Yes matched pairs are rolled again and add open-endedly. One of my players in a span of a phase did 4 actions.

    I don’t use default (i know i know but that’s just me) but if someone fails their notice check, well the ambusher gets a free attack.


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