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Three More Little Ideas

Coincidence…or conspiracy?

God Is In The Radio: A videomancer claims to have found the UHF frequency for the Stratosphere, and issues a few generic predictions based off of actions he claims to have observed. Thing is, they all come true. Now you have to find him to figure out what he’s done and how he’s done it before the Invisible Clergy gets wise and erases him from existence. (GM Note: Of course, this one can’t happen. What fun would it be if the PCs have a direct line to spy on the IC? Besides, they’d probably just squash them like a bug. Have them get close, but not in time to learn the final secret of how he did it.)

Hitchin’ A Ride: A series of extremely odd deaths on the highways of America (one family crushed by the World’s Largest Ball of Twine, another group of travelers drives off a bridge just as road workers erect a “Bridge Out” sign, a lone driver spins and flips on a patch of ice in the middle of the Southwest) are being accidentally caused by a hitchhiker who’s attempting to do a ritual that’s supposed to bring good luck to people, but instead is bringing misfortune to all he drops it on.

Nice Guys Finish Last: A high-level avatar of the Merchant is holding a coast-to-coast Occult Underground version of The Game (see for details, the Rolling Stone article in the Press section is highly recommended), with a massive (yet unknown) prize for the first place team.

5 thoughts on “Three More Little Ideas

  1. Punkey says:

    Talk To Me, Dance With Me: A salsa dancing studio in a Spanish urban neighborhood headed up by a mid/high level avatar of La Belle Dame Sans Merci with quite a considerable stable of men has turned her withering glare on a hapless member of the PC’s party, with the intent on adding him to her harem, and the rest of the team tries to keep him out of her clutches. (Note: If you want to mess with a female member of your party, there’s no prohibition against men channeling the archetype, however, if it makes you feel better, you could have them channel Don Juan instead.)

  2. rekyl says:

    Conspire away;
    This is mostly an idea for a campaign Ive been thinking about. The players are a group of self-proclaimed investigators who search newspapers and the internet for occult mysteries. Think of them as the guys in “lone gunmen” (did anyone else see the episode when one of them proclaimed that he will be “a bureocrat, an american hero”) or something along those lines.

    Several days before the night you intend to play the players have to come up with a conspiracy in the newspapers or some oddity on the internet… anything wierd (like the Ronald McDonalds dolls for example) From that you, the GM, create an adventure.

    The idea is mostly to mix it up with personal plotthreads. The characters have small, simple and real life problems and try to combine their over-worldy and “oh-so-important” mission with things like kids, boy or girlfriends and work with fighting extra dimensional horros trying to destroy reality.


  3. Unfinishedbusinessman says:

    Actually a patch of ice isn’t all that unusual in the Southwest, it gets really cold at night in the desert.

  4. Detective says:

    “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” means, “The Beautiful Woman Without Thanks.” If you’re looking for “The Beautiful Woman Without Mercy,” it’s, “La Belle Dame Sans Pitie.” (The E in Pitie is accented … but I don’t know how to do that.)

    Go go gadget highschool french!

    False cognates aside, I like that particular scenario very much. Salsa, seduction, and a he-harem full of doting minions. Rocking.

    I also like God is in the Radio. I’ve been looking for an excuse to whip out The Cruel Ones, and that would work just fine. The Cruel Ones might even need the PCs’ help, since the videomancer might be able to keep ahead of them with his little spying device. It’s unheard of and way out there, but wouldn’t it be sweet?

    –The Detective–

  5. Detective says:

    PS: Rekyl, that idea is very cool. A good way to get the PCs more proactive about investigations instead of having to drop hooks and leads yourself.


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