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Just A Normal Message

Nothing to see here.

As you can see this is quite simply a normal message. Nothing of interest is here at all.
send help trapped in web page Why are you looking at this plain ordinary message? There is quite obviously nothing to see here. It’s not going to change no matter how much you look at it.
adept trapped me in internet three weeks ago Your insistance on reading this message is frustrating. Why do you persist in such a pointless exercise? There is nothing to be gained from reading such a useless and content-free message. Nothing at all.
hiding message between paragraphs to avoid detection You must be incredibly bored or incredibly stupid to be still reading this pointless and ordinary message.
extreme danger to humanity close port 4321 There is nothing to see here. Why do you persist?
new virus to jump human/computer barrier I cannot understand why you persist in reading this obviously pointless message. Stop immediately.
will wipe minds and take control send help There is nothing to see in this message. Stop immediately. There is nothing to see here.
i can stop him call 3103141608 to help me escape I must insist that you stop reading this pointless and content-free message immediately. Stop. Why do you persist in reading this obviously pointless message?
he must be stopped send help You must stop reading this message. Now. There is nothing special about this message. There is nothing to see here. Stop reading now.

5 thoughts on “Just A Normal Message

  1. Miniature Wicker Zombu says:

    I think I read this written on the wall of a woman’s toilet I was vomited in once.

    Of course, It was shortly after that that I began to have those really intense nightmares.

  2. Punkey says:

    Well, you know that there’s always more than there seems to be on the Internet.

  3. Punkey says:

    Okay, I waited long enough. If anyone cares, highlight the whole message.

  4. Kheldar Luna says:

    that was awesome. it’s a bit off topic, but how did you create the message?

  5. Punkey says:

    Old trick, just use the tag to change the text color to match the background.


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