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The Beautiful People

They’re not real… but you know them better than anyone who is.

At least half of all celebrities don’t exist. There hasn’t been a human pop star since before Elvis. All the faces on the box belong to magical entities, beings of pure popularity.

Way back when (in the OU, exact dates are hard to get ahold of), a group of Personamancers created (some say became) the first batch of these creatures. Charlie Chaplin was one, as were many other silent-film stars. They are entities that can’t truly exist unless people – hundreds of people -are aware of them. They fade to translucency outside the glare of the stage lights and the eyes of the cameras. They have the abilities to charm, impress and bedazzle better than any human can hope to. And they reproduced – somehow more of them came. Television was a spawning ground. They became the icons of iconomancy, the paradox that they don’t really exist and yet are more real than billions of humans secretly powering that school.

The Personamancers who created them – and later, the entities themselves – maintained the ruse. They found the people who most resembled their creations, who most desperately wanted to be them, and then granted their wishes, using them to fool people into thinking celebrities had lives outside of the sets, the concerts. Ever wonder why celebrities are always different in person? They’re imperfect copies, and at some level they know it.

They create a world above ours, a mocking parody of the Statosphere where bizarre amorality plays are performed daily for public consumption – to keep them alive. They intentionally perform stupid and reckless acts, pick meaningless fights, build garish houses for themselves, say dumb things on TV so that humanity can never forget they exist. Humans try to reach their level and fall, which only reinforces their godlike existence.

What do they want? Why do they exist? They could rule this world if they wanted to. Some say they did, briefly, in the Reagan era. Some say they will soon; “President Schwartzenegger” has the potential to no longer be a joke from Demolition Man.They don’t care about us or our lives – they don’t really understand quiet, muted human existence. To them we’re just the audience.

Watch and learn, while they feed.

3 thoughts on “The Beautiful People

  1. Insect King says:

    You have Cold, Hard World for the Dead Inside RPG, don’t you?


  2. The McK says:

    Nah, just watched too damn much Star TV with my ex-girlfriend.

    God love her, but she had some very bad taste.

  3. The real Adam Strange says:

    Then are one hit wonders like the special ed of these creatures.


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