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When Sex is not about Sex.


“I’m just seven hours old,
Truly beautiful to behold,
And somebody should be told,
That my libido hasn’t been controlled
Now the only thing I’ve come to trust,
Is an orgasmic rush of lust
Rose tint my world keep me safe from my trouble and pain.”

AKA: Sluts, Rapists, Sex Fiends, DeSades

When is sex not about sex? When it’s about power and control.

There’s a lot of sex magick in the world, mostly rituals, but Libidomancy is beyond that. Sex, like any obsession, doesn’t look the same to the non-obsessed. The Libidomancer doesn’t care about love, or any of those emotional or spiritual trappings. You want to get close to your lover and experience the joy of physical union? Find a ritual.

Libidomancy is a very old magick style, but is making a comeback, something that has more than a few Dukes on edge. At its core Libidomancy generates the reality static to generate charges from the paradox of getting pleasure from the breaking of taboos. Something that one holds to be wrong and still doing it because it ‘feels good’
Ironically the most powerful Libidomancers tend to be staunch ultra-conservatives, at least around other people. In order to create power, they must keep the acts of sex taboo and wrong, a free love hippy doesn’t have that kind of power, a Southern Baptist advisor to a junior senator on the other hand….

Pornomancy is a conundrum to the Libidomancers. Its followers practice and endorse ritual degradation that is a Libidomancer’s bread and butter, but at the same time, the ascension of the Naked Goddess has moved the world a couple steps closer to being sexually free, which is bad.

One thing to always remember, sex is only a tool to the Libidomancer, and you are nothing but the screw they turn with it to raise the tension. Libidomancers are as self-absorbed as Amoromancers, and like them tend to see everyone as a potential source for powering up. Also, Libidomancers aren’t always dominants; they get just as much power for having things done to them as they get from doing things to other people. After a while most Libidomancers don’t care about sexual preference, dominance or submission, giving or receiving, or any of the things that most sane people regard as things you should care about sexually.

Few in the occult underground are aware of just how dangerous the Libidomancers truly are.

Blast Style
Libidomancers have no blast, they don’t need one. They can reduce your soul to a bunch of conflicting desires and instincts without ever hurting you physically.

Generate a Minor Charge: Perform a sexual act, lasting at least 15 minutes, that contravenes social, moral, and/or ethical norms and expectations. There was a time when the simple act of masturbation was worth a charge, now it takes compulsive or public masturbation. If you have a partner, it’s all going to be mindset. As long as they feel a little guilt over something you did to them or made them do, you get the charge. Again there was a time when the simple act of premarital sex was enough for charges. Minor charges do not even require what most would consider ‘sexual contact’. The degradation of verbal sexual harassment or laying an explicit gay sex magazine in your company’s break room can be enough to pull in a minor charge. A single person can provide only 1 minor charge per day.

Generate a Significant Charge: To gain a significant charge all it takes is to totally go against the sexual morals and ethics of society and perform a taboo breaking act on another person. A single person is only worth one of these a week. Anything that would disgust or outrage the majority of people that hear about it is worth a significant charge. A powerful Libidomancer’s sexual depravity often knows no bounds. Degrading someone of personal import to you (one of your children, etc) is also worth an additional significant charge. Once you have used someone for a significant charge you can pull no further minor charges off of them.
Also, a Libidomancer gains a significant charge for each new sexual experience they have. (Not new people, new experiences. They first time a Slut is whipped they get a significant charge, but from then on, they are stuck with minors, unless the envelope is pushed hard again. They may get another significant charge the first time they are whipped bloody and unconscious… but maybe not. Powerful Libidomancers have a large amount of been there, done that jadedness from their try anything once mentality.)

Generate a Major Charge: To gain a major charge requires actions similar to a Significant Charge, but they must be performed on a famous person, and at least 10 million people must hear about and believe that the event took place and feel some level of outrage at the story. People that think the ‘person deserved it’ or are apathetic about the event are the bane of the Major charge, so Libidomancers aiming for a major charge don’t take chances with the severity of the event, and usually aim for something that is deadly, soul-shattering, mind-shattering, or completely debilitating. A provider of a major charge can not be charged off of, by any Libidomancer, ever again, even if they ended up only providing a significant charge. Nothing pisses off a Libidomancer quite as much as to play out on of their charge gathering rituals, and get a significant instead of the major they were aiming at. For this reason those seeking this level of power are going to choose saintly over sinner any day. Brutal, debilitating, sodomization of Saddam Hussein might get you crap, but that same action against Emma Watson should reap what you’ve sewn. It’s a delicate balancing act, as popularity creates sympathizers and haters. Best advice: Pick someone with the best reputation you can find and aim as big as your own stress checks will let you.

Taboo: For a Libidomancer there is no sexual act for the mere pleasure of performing a sexual act. They will twist sexual conversations into the gutter, often subtly and they will always take advantage of their partners’ weaknesses. A sexual act without a sexual taboo broken is a Magickal Taboo for the Rapist. Also, if the Libidomancer somehow doesn’t manage to draw a charge from sex, they break taboo. There a few ways this could occur; their partner is a sociopath and literally doesn’t care what happens to it or they attempt a lower charge gathering ritual on someone that has provided a more powerful charge. Once you’ve made the house girl do the Doberman, a simple spanking isn’t going to do crap anymore. Libidomancy is about pushing the envelope, there are no take backs. What this in effect means is that once they have turned someone into a total, degraded, sex slave and gotten their major charge, the person no longer has anything that interests them, despite the fact the victim may ‘need’ them as desperately as they need food, water, or shelter.

Random Magic Domain: Libidomancer is about control and the breaking of taboos. That it uses sex to achieve this is somewhat secondary.

Starting Charges: Libidomancers begin with 4 Minor Charges.

Unique Limitation: The Libidomancy skill suffers the slings and arrows of popular culture. At the GM’s option they suffer a magickal penalty similar to that suffered by Cryptomancers depending on the strictness of the sexual mores in the community they are practicing in. In most places in the Western World this is a -10% modifier. In very liberal cities, it might go as high as 15%, and in ‘free-love’ communes there could be as much as -20% applied. Stricter communities are generally on a -5%, and there are areas in the Middle East, and other religiously ‘faithful’ communities where the Libidomancer suffers no penalty at all. Basically the more sexually free an area is, the higher the penalty and vice versa. While in their parlor, the Libidomancer doesn’t suffer any reduction of skill.

Charging Tips: Libidomancers can easily rack up a handful of minor charges and a couple significant charges a day, as long as they keep making those various stress checks that their Art often requires of them, and don’t get arrested. Fortunately for a Libidomancer, it’s not all that tough to get charged up in prison or a mental hospital either. Many Libidomancers become borderline personalities. They will use a person to pull minor charges, slowly training them up to significant charges, and then slowly breaking them until they can reap a major charge from them. They often form dangerous personality cults for just such a purpose.

Minor Formula Spells

Cost: 1 Minor charge
By catching the target’s gaze for just long enough to look into their eyes, the Libidomancer may learn one sexually related fact about them. With enough time and charges, a Rapist can have a pretty complete idea of a potential victim’s sexual history. Common visions are of the sexual experience they are most ashamed of, their darkest fantasy, when they first had sex, etc.

Spontaneous climax
Cost: 2 Minor Charges
Effect: The target of this effect spontaneously and suddenly without warning, orgasms. In a combat situation, this means at the minimum the target loses initiative on the next round, and possibly loses the round altogether. This is rolled as a stress check of no particular type or strength. On a success the target loses initiative, on a failure they lose a round. On a match success or OACOWA they can shake it off, on a matched failure or BOHICA it triggers a rank-7 self check with flight being the action most often chosen on a failure. Even if they don’t flee they lose two rounds, and lose initiative until the end of the combat. It should be noted that this spell does not require a person be capable of ejaculation under normal circumstances, this is a pure assault on the pleasure centers of the brain

The Spider’s Parlour:
Cost: 2 Minor Charges
Effect: The caster may cast this spell on an area no larger 50 square feet. The area must be bordered by walls on all sides, so you can’t just cast it in the corner of a larger room. Any sexual violence that occurs in this area will not cause psychic ripples outside the area. All the power feeds into the Sanctum, preparing it as a Carnal breeding ground. The sanctum, after charged will cloud completely to any kind of scrying. At most it will register as a unwholesome, cloudy darkness, but to even sense this much the seer must be looking for the sanctum itself and have an idea of what they are looking for, otherwise the mystic eyes slips off the oily shield of pain and ignores the place altogether. In addition magick cast, charges reaped, etc within the sanctum can not be detected even right outside the door. This spell must be renewed weekly. If cast on a room other than the ritually prepared Sanctum (like a hotel room), its effects only last for 24 hours. The sanctum does nothing until it is charged by at least one act of sexual violence. Much of what a Sanctum is was developed to counter the abilities of the Mystic Hermaphrodite, who seems to be even more offended by Libidomancers than most other people.

Cost: 3 Minor Charges.
Effect: Until the next dawn or dusk, whichever is furthest away, the target will feel blissful, sexual pleasure when performing an action specified by the caster. Each time this wears off, the target must make the equivalent of a self-check at a rank 6 or the 10’s digit of the magick roll, whichever is higher. Each time they fail, they get a mark next to ‘Conditioning (situation)’. If a conditioning ever equals or exceeds the 10’s digit of their soul stat they gain a ‘philia’ or fetish that recreates the situation they’ve been conditioned to respond to. Every 24 hours they go without conditioning removes one mark from all conditioning scores, each situation must be conditioned separately. Once the target has formed a sexual deviancy form the conditioning, only psychiatric care will lower the conditioning score it is based on, as though they were failed marks. The action must be specific, it can not be vague like ‘do anything I say’, or ‘act like my slave’, it has to be concrete like ‘Shoot a gun’, ‘break a taboo’, ‘kill someone’, etc. Once the fetish is formed, the target is considered a ‘vessel’ for the prerequisites of other spells. If the fetish disappears, so does their ‘vessel’ status.

Dog Whistle
Cost: 3 Minor Charges
Effect: This spell will draw the closet Carnal that is no more that 33.3 miles away from the Caster. It will move at their best speed, but it won’t magically appear. Once it arrives it will perform one, possibly relatively complex, action for the caster as long as it is properly rewarded before returning to their normal haunts. Carnals recognize the Rapist as a kindred spirit, and once the Caster is aware of them and their haunts, he can go about creating more lasting bonds with them.

Loose lips sink ships.
Cost: 4 Minor Charges.
Effect: The next words out of the targets mouth are the pure, unvarnished, truth. But they don’t just tell the truth, they vent their anger or frustration in the words if possible. If the target is actually paying attention to what they are saying, they may make a self check at the level of the 10’s roll. On the other hand, if they are venting anyway, or just off on a debate-like rant, the words will just flow out without any prompting. The Rapist may spend an extra charge and name a one-work subject that the truth will be about if they wish. To manifest this spell, they caster must make direct eye-to-eye contact with the victim. (Example:i City Councilman Rick Holmes, now running for state senator, is on a televised debate with the current state Senator, a Democrat. He spends 5 charges, looks his opponent in the face, and mutters the word ‘race’, and in the middle of a long rant about unemployment, the current senator places a few choice thoughts on the causes of the unemployment and the laziness and worthlessness of the n*****s that are causing it. The next day his polls plummet.)

Significant Formula Spells

Cloud of Pheromones
Cost: 1 Significant Charge.
Effect: The target of this spell will favorably interpret the Libidomancer’s actions, words, and body language until the caster leaves their presence. This is much like the situational blindness that new love causes. They person will accentuate all the casters traits they see as positive and conveniently disregard traits they normally wouldn’t like. The target will be friendly towards the caster and more likely to help them, or at least ignore their ugly side. Once it wears off, the target will be a little ashamed inside as they realize their ‘attraction’ to the caster, the level of shame is quite variable depending on how taboo feeling an attraction towards the caster would be. (i.e. A woman that might already find the caster attractive will be bothered little at their flirtatiousness, while a homophobic burly man may be disgusted and go get drunk and do something to ‘prove his manhood’.

Curse of Priapus
Cost: 1 Significant Charge.
This spell causes the victim to suffer an immediate and painful swelling of the sexual tissue in their body. Until the next dawn or dusk, whichever is farther away the Victim must take a distraction penalty to all their actions. This penalty is equal to the combined digits of the magick roll. Sexual contact is extremely painful, and provides no release, but a doctor trained in dealing with sexual disorders can administer a shot of various relaxants which will end the effect early.
Though the title of this spell suggests it only works on men, it works on either sex indiscriminately. For an additional charge, the Rapist can extend the effect to the reproductive system, creating cramping, uncontrolled ejaculation in men, the trigger of menstruation in women and often, if the woman is pregnant, a miscarriage. This allows the caster to add one more die to the distraction penalty, both from enhanced pain, and demoralization.

Blessings of Adonis/Aphrodite
Cost: 1 Significant Charge.
Effect: Each casting of this spell allows the caster to grant themselves one ‘paranormal’ sexual ability. Whether it is godlike stamina or a phallus the size of a bull is irrelevant, as long as it had a legendary, mythical, or pop culture history. This change lasts until the next sunrise. Specific changes should be adjudicated by the GM. In general skills granted with this ability should be at a level equal to the caster’s ‘Adept: Libidomancer’ skill.

You know you want it.
Cost: 2 Significant Charges.
Effect: The target of this spell must make a self check at a level equal to the 10’s digit of the magick roll to avoid doing something totally taboo to them. For an average person, this might be embarrassing but for an adept it can be devastating. This desire to break taboo (or Taboo as the case may be) reasserts itself hourly until the next dusk or dawn, whichever is farther away. If and when they fail the check and break taboo, the compulsion leaves, like the sudden hormone dip after a strong orgasm, leaving them feeling violated. Those with a soul of 60+ or adepts will be able to recognize this desire as being external to them, but most people will just blame themselves for their moment of weakness, beating themselves up emotionally, as people are prone to do. Casting this on a Vessel offers no advantages or disadvantages to the Rapist.

Arouse the Libido
Cost: 3 Significant Charges
Effect: The target of this ritual, who must be a vessel, can be sent an ‘urge’ by the Libidomancer. This Urge is for the vessel to take a certain action. If it something they are likely to do anyway, they will do it. If it something they would not do under most circumstances, they may make a self-check at a level equal to the 10’s digit of the magick roll plus the number of philias/fetishes the Libidomancer has inflicted on the vessel. Failure results in following the urge. This is not telepathy, and the target will feel this command as a gut need, not as a worded command, so they may interpret it different than the Rapist intended, for this reason, the caster usually tries to Urge based on already Conditioned responses.

Cost: 4 Significant Charges.
Effect: The target must make a self check at a value of the 10’s digit of the magick roll, or become subservient to the caster’s will for the performance of one, possibly complex, action. The action must be plainly stated in a language the target will understand. If for some reason the target is a vessel, they add their number of philias/fetishes to the difficulty level of the stress check. The self check is 3 levels higher if the action is purely sexual in nature. Yes it’s harder for the Libidomancer to make the jailer unlock a jail cell that to submit to brutal sodomy. Go figure.

Faithful Puppy
Cost: 4 Significant Charges.
Effect: This spell draws upon the sexual pain of a location, usually the Caster’s Sanctum to form a Carnal. The Carnal’s appearance is completely up to the caster to determine. The newly formed Carnal is inclined to be obedient to the Caster as long as it is kept happy and properly fed. When used inside the Caster’s permanent sanctum, a new Carnal will form there within 72 hours if the previous one is killed.

Major Effects.
Introduce, increase, or decrease a sexual taboo into the collective unconsciousness. Permanently switch bodies with a Vessel, possibly becoming younger and curing diseases or disabilities. Make a sexual slave a permanent extension of your will, and nothing more. Force anyone to do anything… and enjoy it.

What You Hear: The Libidomancer.
The Catholic Church has been a haven for powerful Libidomancers for centuries, but things for them seem to be falling apart. You hear it’s a new cabal of Post-Modern Rapists responsible for it, tearing up the complacency to increase the sexual paranoia in the world.
Yanagi Go, a Japanese Libidomancer and obsessed hentai fan, is said to have been the creator of Blessing of Adonis, though in his language he calls it ‘Tenpuku no Seihanmuma’ (Celestial Blessing of the Sex Demon), and his changes are often vulgar and horrific in the finest mimicry of demon sex anime. The Sleepers would love to shut him down, but so far anyone sent after him has been found killed in a manner most grisly, and few want to speculate on how they died.

4 thoughts on “Libidomancy

  1. thanthos says:

    Damn, I like this one.

  2. F.A.R. says:

    If the libidomancer is breaking some taboo for a significant charge, and the act also happens to be one that the adept hasn’t done before, does the adept get two charges? I’m planning to run a libidomancer NPC, and this character has a charging situation in which that detail could be important.

    – F.A.R. out

  3. F.A.R. says:

    P.S. – Bonus points for the Rocky Horror reference.

  4. Jade D Hammons says:

    I’d say yes. But it really depends on what flavor you are aiming for as to what you adjudicate.

    Whee! Bonus points. I’m rich beyond the dreams of avarice.


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