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The Chaos Butterfly

Every ascension leaves something behind, this is one of those… somethings.


Power: Major
Type: Natural
Effect: This Artifact is a magical null-zone. Charges used in the vicinity of the butterfly just… go away, with no effect. Its useful range is only 3 1/3 feet, but that’s enough to drive many people crazy. Magick specifically aimed at the bearer of the Butterfly or the Butterfly itself just fail. Magick that originates with the bearer fails as well. The Butterfly also disrupts rituals in a like manner. No form of detection will point to this effect as being caused by the Butterfly, though after enough time, people usually put two and two together.
In addition the bearer of the butterfly has access to the second channel of the Mystic Hermaphrodite, with a range of 3.33 miles. The Bearer’s soul stat should be used to determine anything vital about the charge gain.
If the Bearer of the Chaos Butterfly is an avatar of the Mystic Hermaphrodite it boosts their power… chaotically. While bearing the artifact the Avatar rolls only 1 dice when it uses its channels and treats all rolls as a matched pair.
Creatures of Magick will avoid the bearer if at all possible. Those with physical manifestations will be braver, but all magickal entities must make a rank-7 stress check to approach the bearer. This is typically a helplessness check. This applies only to beings created from the pure application of magick; Carnals, Tenebrae, etc. Demons seem non-plussed by the Butterfly, but are unable to possess the bearer. Thaumovores, Thaumophages, and their ilk will avoid the bearer no matter what as the touch of the Butterfly means their destruction.
With all this nullification, you may ask where the Chaos comes into the mix. Well, truth be told, the Butterfly doesn’t just stop magick, it absorbs it, and it breaks the rules in the process. If it gathers 10 Minor Charges, it promotes it to a Significant, and likewise 10 Significant become a Major. When the Butterfly is gently waved in the air by a person, on purpose or otherwise (Children have triggered this just by making the Butterfly ‘fly’.) it releases ALL of its stored up power as one or more unnatural effects. This ultimate manifestation of Chaos Theory happens at least 333 miles from the Butterfly, it’s said it’s reached as far as Mars, inspiring War of the Worlds. The unnatural phenomena will usually be themed, often based on whatever the bearer was thinking about, but sometimes just random. (Or as they say “Have a Happy Plot Device!”). Once a person has triggered the Chaos Effect the Butterfly will no longer store charges, but immediately burn them as unnatural phenomena until someone else becomes the bearer, when it becomes a storage battery again. These post-Chaos Effect charges all manifest with the sole purpose of separating the current bearer from the Butterfly, much like the power of The Green Glass Grail.
Description: No one is really sure how long this delicate looking artifact has actually been around, but theorists are pretty sure that its name is a new one, and this may in fact be a form of the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ of Alchemical legend.
The artifact is a carefully preserved specimen of Delias microsticta Gynandromorph. The left side of this butterfly is male, the right side is female. Despite its apparent appearance of fragility it has survived unknown centuries without significant degradation of quality. The butterfly moves often, being extremely hard to control, and hence keep, disappearing for long periods of time before turning up again in the oddest of places.
The Chaos Butterfly is believed to be the physical detritus of the ascension of an ancient Godhead of the Mystic Hermaphrodite.

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This is an actual example of the species and has not bee altered or photoshopped in any way.
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6 thoughts on “The Chaos Butterfly

  1. TedPro says:

    Turns out, the title inspired me to create an avatar, The Storm’s Eye, which I can’t stop thinking about as “The Chaos Butterfly”

  2. TedPro says:

    Also, this is brilliant!

  3. Menzoa says:

    Very nice… a good “monkey’s paw” for sure…

  4. ChaosButterfly says:

    I really do like it, it’s definately something I would like to use in my campaign! I also think it’s ties to the Mystic Hermaphrodite are rather interesting. But what if the bearer is also an adept?

  5. Jade D Hammons says:

    Then they’d be unable to use magick… just like it says. 🙂


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