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True Identity of the Naked Goddess

One Idea as to the Archtype and true identity of the Naked Goddess. Hurridly written.

For most of History, woman have been oppressed and abused. Men kept their hands firmly on the obvious means of power. And so, women took their power through mystery. They took it through lies and manipulation,as the Empress Dowager XiCi of China. They took it by concealing their bodies, as Artemis of Greece, or Oscar Wilde’s “Siphnx without a secret.” They took it through Magic, as the mystery cults of Dioynsius and the supposed magical powers of teenage girls in Japanese Anime and the 19th Century Boxer rebellion in China. Naturally, the Statosphere demanded a human to fufill the role of “Feminine Mystery”. The resulting archtype embodied mystery, magic, and manipulation. The Archtype grated women a small measure of power, helping them to survive many difficult centuries.

By the late 20th Century, though, these attitudes was holding women back. The feminist movement had gained women many practical concessions, but now cultural attitudes needed to be changed. At least, that was the attitude of a young feminist named . Most feminists would have published a magazine or made a speech. But had experience with the occult, and so she decided to change the world by changing heaven. had come to her feminism through a lifetime of abuse and suffering. She did not believe she could entirely unseat the archtype. Instead, she would change it, make it less appealing. Feminine Mystery was something practiced by the rich and the upper classes, something enboling and desirable. She would make it something disgusting and dirty, forced onto the abused and the whores. By making Feminine Mystery something to be escaped, she would indirectly weaken the archtype. Like all good messiahs, decided to simultanously martyr and diefy herself. decided to become a god.

And she did. And, because she embodied the archtype of mystery, her ascension covered her tracks quite effectivelly.

Is the world a better place now? Are women, as a group, better off? Well, look around. You’re living in the world she makes.

One thought on “True Identity of the Naked Goddess

  1. the nihohit says:

    argh. good idea, but the question is- what happens when the person who IS the archetype, actually is disgusted of what she is simbolic of- of she has become.
    but- EXTREMELY good idea.


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