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Murder! Dance! Kill!

A blank Vhs tape. It will turn up some where without any particular fanfare, some times it will just be left next you on a bar or table top when you’re not looking, or maybe it will spontaneously appear in bed next to you one morning while you sleep.

On it will be a white label with “11/26” written on it.

If it’s played, the tape will show CCTV footage from three different cameras in what looks like three different bars, the first one is in a real dive bar, full of bikers, punks or whatever the local equivelent is, the date stamp will show that it was filmed at 11:03pm on the 26 of november exactly 8 years ago.

After a few minutes of nothing unusual happening in the bar, not even a fight, one person get’s up from their drinking and begins to dance in the middle of the main seated area.

It’s an up beat, 50’s musical type dance, lots of jazz hands and attempted tap dancing. It’s good dancing, and though you can’t hear anything on the tape, he does appear to be singing and it brings the entire bar to a stand still with everyone just staring at this dancing man for a minute or two.
Then one person gets dragged into the dance, a few light dips and twirls before the dancing person smashes their impromtu partner into a wall with enough force to crush their skull into a red stain on the walls.

This continues for few more minutes, with everybody in the bar getting killed in an insanely casual way, people who try to run trip up in their panic and get trampled to death by the dancer, anyone who attacks the dancer gets killed, slowly, after the dancer breaks most of their limbs.

The first bit of video ends with the bar covered in blood and bodies as the dancer finishes his routine with a final cheery jazz hands towards the camera.

The next bit of the video is almost identical, except it’s set in a much classier and up scale joint, a grand piano can be seen in one corner of the bar, some of the bartenders even wear bowties.
The time stamp declares that it is 22:03 on the 26th of november again, but only 4 years ago. there is also a few extra seconds on the tape after the dancer has killed everyone in the bar, where the dancer shakes and rubs his head in a confused manner.
After a second or two they seem to finally notice their surroundings and you can see him drop to his knees and open his mouth like he’s yelling somehting. The second section ends there.

The third section again has a time stamp of 22:03 26/11 but it’s for the next november 26.
You almost recognise the bar this time, you’ve been in there once or twice before, but you can’t quite remember it’s name or where it was exactly.
You notice the dancer is sitting with a group of friends this time before he starts, all of whom bare a passing resemblance to your closest friends and loved ones. they die first.
Like the second section, there is a few extra seconds after the dancer again, kills everyone in the same haphazard way the last two did, and like the last bit, the dancer falls to their knees and appears to yell or scream, but this time you see the dancer jab his thumbs into his eyes and blood runs down his face.

The tape whites out at this point.

2 thoughts on “11/26

  1. TedPro says:

    Mmm. Grisley and Terrifying. Maybe a threat from a stylish demon? Maybe a Messenger/Videomancer went off the deep end, as avatar-adepts often do, and this is part of the wreckage? Maybe the spirit of the maenads is alive and well? Maybe the recipient’s own fear of the casual postmodern horror of the Occult Underground is taking physical form?

    Maybe it’s just a sign that I need to get out less often.

  2. The real Adam Strange says:

    Maybe I need to get this video and go to a bar i don’t like.


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