Ever heard about “Messies”?!
We call those people who can´t throw anything away and cram their flats and houses with garbage “Messies”.
They are normal, decent people that go to work, have friends and sometimes even relationsships. Maybe the guy in the office down the corridor is a Messy too. Have you ever visited him at home?
But what are those people doing? What is forcing them to collect Milkboxes, old Newspapers and other dirt?
Its Instinct… maybe they are building Nests? Maybe they are building Cocoons? You don´t have to care about for they are obviously shuu-shuu!
But… what will happen if one of them feels satisfied and starts to breed?!
…or changes into a chrysalis?
I should really visit my neighbours!
… and there I was thinking that this behaviour was all evidence of some cobweb farmer plot.
In america they’re called Packrats, but I guess you can call me a messy. Its a compoltion. I know that I can turn it into somthing useful or beautiful, so I can’t get rid of it, even if i know I’ll never get around to it. I think it could be its own school. If organized I could find something anytime i needed, no matter how unusual the need. Unfortunatly, that is very hard to do, when your always pileing more stuff on. I always need just a bit more space.
That or they could just smoke alot of pot. Maybe Narcomancyh a new twist.