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Yes I Can Pin

Something Shiny I found in the Dirt today.

A cheap looking metal pin with the backing missing. It has the words “Yes I Can” inscribed in faded gold color.
While wearing this pin once per day you can make one roll an auto success by shouting “Yes I Can” before you would roll.
After a week you have a totally positive attitude towords life and start to encourage others to feel the same. You slowly become a motavational speaker losing your own identity to that of a late night infomercial personality.

4 thoughts on “Yes I Can Pin

  1. John Scott Tynes says:


  2. C.P. says:


  3. Mr Unlucky says:

    … can’t stop shaking.
    Too… beautiful….
    … should have sent a poet….

  4. Victoria Gothic says:

    “You slowly become a motivational speaker losing your own identity to that of a late night infomercial personality.”

    That right there, makes it awesome.


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