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more random silly items

more random silly items

More stupid artifacts

1- Bi-blade: This knife has a handle which looks like a penis and a blade which looks much like a vagina (with some imagination). When someone is stabbed with this knife their sexual preferences are instantly reversed. What is more… everyone who ever knew them well enough to know there sexual preferences remembers them as always having had their new sexual orientation.. this effect is permanent. Current significant others and children are often quite confused by this effect.
2- Ice cube: this ice cube is not cold to the touch and seems to be totally disconnected with the temperature of its surroundings. However it is real frozen water in the form of a cube… a wall of these would make an excellent thermal shield
3- The song which never ends: on a piece of paper is written a one-verse song. If the person starts singing this song after reading it they are unable to stop without incredible mental effort (matched success) exerted.
4- Diet book: this is a modern looking 200+ page book simply entitled “Diet book”. If one reads it they find that the book contains information for an obvious and simple diet… the diet seems tailored to the person reading it. If they follow the diet they will never die of old age or cancer so long as they follow it perfectly, and don’t drink or smoke. Most people loose interest in the diet or die of something else before anyone gets suspicious
5- Vomit bag: this is a typical vomit bag from an airline… if someone finds the need to vomit in the bag they soon wish that they had not. No attempt to remove the vomit keeps it clean for more than a few minutes (it refills with identical vomit). This would not be such an issue except for that the person who used the bag will randomly encounter the bag at least once a day until they give a heartfelt apology to the bag. It is possible that condom and trash can variants of this bag exist
6- The most shocking painting ever: possibly created by the artist before ascending or maybe of a different origin… this painting is so shocking that to gaze upon it inspires madness in anyone. Anyone who looks at this painting for more than 1 second is so shocked by it that they cannot do anything but panic, hide, or run. They are treated as if having failed a rank 9 self check and passed a rank 3 unnatural checks. If they have adequate hardens to not be effected by one of these two they are able to calm themselves down after 1 round.
7- Shit grinder: This was made as a joke but has stayed around. While it has often been attempted to turn things into gold this does much the opposite. This looks like a typical meat grinder. If meat is put in it the meat tastes quite foul.. If gold is put into it ground human shit comes out of it.
8- The ultimate vibrator: using this sexual aid is the most wonderful sexual experience possible. (Some have heart attacks or strokes while using it) after using it once.. Any other form of sex seems pointless. It is possible that years of therapy could make normal sex appealing again.
9- Space heater: this heater is always warm to the touch… it is a typical electrical radiator which is portable. It has a dial on the front and two switches. When plugged in it warms up. The dial ranges from 1-9… the higher the number the warmer the two switches read 900 and 600. Unlike normal heaters that heat the air this one simply heats the space around it. The dial selects the temp (in 10s of degrees) and the switches select the range in centimeters. No matter how cold the area this heater is put in everything in its range is exactly that temperature and everything outside its range is totally unaffected. By it… if an object passing into and then out of it’s range it is momentarily warmed or cooled but as soon as it leaves the rang is instantly back to it’s original temp… this works to both heat and cool an area
10- #1 button: these buttons are often found in novelty stores. They are black with white letters that read “#1”. Normally these do nothing… but if one were to tell the button that it was the best button ever (or a similar compliment) they would find that for the next 24 hours that they wore the button everyone would see them as being much more competent, attractive and better in all other aspects. (+30 to all interpersonal skills checks) they do not change in appearance or become any more competent or skilled but everyone sees them as being such. These buttons may be used once or maybe twice but after three times the effect is insignificant and after that the button actually seems to have the opposite effect.

6 thoughts on “more random silly items

  1. deathmonkey says:

    what would happen if someone were stabbed twice with a bi-blade?

  2. Mr Unlucky says:

    Beyond blood loss, you mean?

  3. Miniature Wicker Zombu says:

    First stab switches their sexual preference, second stab turns them bi and the third turns them transgender.

    Fourth stab causes the freak and the stabbing victim to switch places, with any attempt to stab the freak causing more damage to the original victim.
    This always happens when the freak is in the middle of something “special”, and makes the freak very angry at the stabber.

  4. vagina = fun! says:

    maybe they would start finding the bi-blade sexually attractive?

  5. deathmonkey says:

    stop stabbing me with that thing! i’m in love with it!

  6. Blupe says:

    …and if a bisexual were stabbed with it, they would become asexual? And if an asexual were stabbed with it they would become bisexual?


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