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guardians of the elements

the elements love those who learn to love them

The guardians of the elements.
Wind, water, earth, and fire love those who learn to love them

Ok before we get this show on the road I am well aware of some problems with this avatar, and your suggestions as to how to solve them are welcome

1- these are really four avatars but yet they are still one in a sense so I will simply group them together as a single avatar. Perhaps there are four different god walkers but four godheads seem excessive

2- This is an older idea and one which has kind of been replaced in western civilization… maybe it still exists in the orient or maybe it has simply been reinstated by neopaganism and environmentalism

3- While I am using the traditional European four elements I am aware that some other cultures have different elements.


The elements of earth air fire and water love those who learn to love them. The guardians of the elements do just that…they love the elements. Yes they choose one element to love or “guard” with all their soul but they still respect that the other three are just as important and that all three are intimately intertwined. At the bottom of the sea is rock and volcanoes… in the center of the earth is a fiery core, in the highest skies there is still water and dust (and eventually other planets). The guardians do have some tension among them but no hatred or direct opposition to the others as so many would assume.

Characteristics: Each guardian chooses a single element to “guard”. This element determines their channels. They often have personalities in line with their element ( fire= chaotic, destructive, energetic, Earth= calm, stable, though not always so bright, Water= moral, clean, sensitive, Air= wise, talkative, always traveling) In addition they tend to go out of there way to cherish protect (prevent pollution to) and use their element as often as possible.

Symbols: you do not need me to describe the many many symbols that each element has

Taboo: The guardians hate to see their element polluted or abused. They will attempt to correct this abuse and pollution as best they can. While they must occasionally turn a blind eye to such events just to function in civilization they do everything they can to reduce the impact and repair existing damage. So allowing abuses to their elements without some sort of protest weakens their channel

Fire= They hate to see anyone or anything caged.. especially fire. They hate seeing fire made to work by human devices. They hate combustion engines, gas heaters, coal power plants. Use of such devices weekens their channel

Earth= hate to see the earth polluted. They hate land fills, desil engines (desil exhaust pollutes the soil) and other intentional abuse of the earth.

Air= they hate to see pollution to the air. While an occasional fire is ok, our civilization is pumping out thousands of tons of shit into the air every day.

Water= hate to see water being polluted. Sewage, oil, and farm runn off are just a few examples of this problem


1-50% The guardian seems unaffected by the everday effects of their element. For example Air- is seldom bothered or distracted by the weather no matter how hot or cold it is, Earth is able to walk barefoot even down a city street, and when they fall they are seldom hurt. Fire- they are seldom bothered by the cold or the heat, tend not to sunburn and camp fires tend to not harm them, Water- seem to have amazing swimming, skills and are very hard to drown. (these abilities are seldom able to actually reduce damage from attacks but instead reflect that their chosen element will avoid hurting them under normal circumstances.

51-70% the guardians are able to summon forth a small cantrip from their element. Fire can start a fire with minimal effort or change the temp of the air in a room by the ten dice of his avatar role. Earth is able to dig and sculpt metals, stones and earth with amazing skill. Water is able to find water anywhere and has limited control over the flow of water bodies. Air is able to summon a light breeze or otherwise alter the winds in a small way.

71-90% At this level the guardians are so close to their elements that they are all but immune to their effects.

Fire- Each time extream temperature would injure the avatar he may ignore the portion caused by heat or cold. For continuous effects such as being set on fire an avatar check is required every few minutes.

Earth- Very hard to hurt via bludgeonin, stabbing or crushing. Each time the avatar would be injured by a metallic, stone, earthen, or similar object he may make an avatar check too ignore the damage. (gun shot damage is simply reduced to hand to hand damage upon an avatar check)

Air- While not as amazingly obvious as earth and fire, is equally useful. The guardian of air is immune to all negative effects of weather. Thus they can drive on snow or in the rain with no problem, they never loose power during storms, can walk naked in the snow.. and during a hurricane theirs will be the only house left standing.

Water- they cannot drownd or be in anyway injured by water (even in frozen form such as hail). Also, they are able to walk on ice and in snow without problem, and can walk on water.

90-98% at this level the guardians have nearly total control of their elements and are capable of amazing stuff.

Fire- able to start a fire with his bare hands, is able to ignite himself at will doing additional hand to hand damage to any who touch him. He is also able to increase or decrease the temp of any room by 1 degree per second (up to 1 degree per skill point in this avatar)

Earth- Is able to cause or prevent earthquakes, landslides and the like.. is also able to change the fertility of soil.

Air- can change the weather at will. Huricanes, tornados, or maybe just a warm sunny day .

Water- create or stop floods, tsunami, drought, can move the water table up and down (increasing and decreasing the water supply to areas)

(Note- the fourth channel is kinda powerful and the gm is encouraged to impose modifiers and penalties based on how drastic of an event is desired. Also, with the exception of fire the power should take at little while to take full effect)

5 thoughts on “guardians of the elements

  1. deathmonkey says:

    if one of each type of gaurdian gets together, they may perform a ritual that will summon captain planet.

  2. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    I know we can make this more post-modern.
    I feel it in my bones.

  3. vagina = fun! says:

    hmm well after a small amount of thought i think we could make it post-modern by changing the elements but then the whole consept just kinda falls apart…
    fire-> money
    water-> data/information
    air-> military might

  4. Chesterberg says:

    Ma-Ti never gets any recognition.

  5. Miniature Wicker Zombu says:

    Air = Ether, radio waves, invisible connections that pass between people and things

    Water = substances that change form but aren’t destroyed, Food, people

    Earth = Locations that create and uncreate themselves, cities

    Fire = Self destruction, credit cards, banks, money, drugs, material possessions.

    (bonus central asian elements! woo! no more air/different water)

    Wood = controlled information, rigorously protected ideas and concepts, religion, governments

    Water = destructive, earth shattering unstoppable truths, free speech, freedom, war, revolution, child birth

    Metal = Things that strengthen other things but are useless on their own, families, beaurocracies, militaries, politicians

    Maybe if you made this a much more symbolic The Protector or Guardian type avatar (the Democratic King, who both rules and is governed by his subjects, be they their cat, their slightly subservient friends, a god or element that they both pray to and take care of because it can’t care for itself), because as it stands it’s too mystical and not humano-centric enough to really be an avatar, not crazy enough to be an adept school, and too easy for the sort of powers available to be anything else, avatars get as free a ride as possible by the humano-centric UAverse because they piggy back on the hopes, dreams, beliefs and inspirations of the collective subconcious, alot of people have to have something like the avatar in their heads, or be very reckognisable to alot of people for it to work. Also it should be able to translate into any society and culture for it to be really powerful (Moa, Stalin, Hitler and JFK were all The True Kings for instance)

    It does almost work though, there is something there, I would personally go back to the blackboard and come up with a different avatar or something avatar esque that isn’t an actual avatar (a really long term ritual that requires the ritualist to become really attuned ot an element and protect it for the channel power related to the element maybe?).

    So in summary (and in my humble opinion): Close, but no cigar


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