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ritual of animal absorbtion

it sucks to be an animal.. but now you can!!

Ritual of animal absorbtion

Sucks to be an animal, but now you can!

Am not good at determining the costs of rituals so feel free to suggest.

Power: significant

Cost 2 sigs

Ingredients 1- an animal 2- time 3- no respect for animal life

Ritual action:

1- Find an animal of some type and kill it with nothing other than your bare hands and your mouth. (You MUST suck it’s last breath out of it and hold it in your lungs for at least 30 seconds)
2- Suck out and drink all of the animal’s blood
3- You then must eat the entire animal. While it can be physically and mechanically altered (ground into a paste, cut up) it may not be chemically altered or flavored in any way ( no cooking, salting, etc ) for larger animals refrigeration might be a good idea but you must prevent freezer burn.


1- once the whole animal has been consumed (bones and all) the character will start to gain some slight personality traits of the animal. ( a mouse might make the character more paranoid, a cat make them a bit more sly, a dog…well more stupid) no mechanical effects are caused by this but others who have known the character for a long time will notice the changes and be worried.
2- Ok now the whole point of this: the character must make a soul check after finishing the ritual. If the check is failed, after a few days the animal mind kinda goes away and no furthur powers are granted. If the check is successful, the character may choose to assume the form of the exact animal they just consumed. They may spend a number of hours in this form equal to the sum of the role. While in this form they can feel the animal’s “soul” being consumed in a very painful and horrible way. They can get a general idea of how much longer they have in the form by how much animal “soul” is left.
a. Switching back and forth is allowed but requires a matched success on a body check and takes about ten (very very very painful) minutes to change form
b. All clothing and such that were on the character simply fall to the floor
c. While in the animal’s form they have the same body and speed stats as the animal did
d. This is a very cruel and horrible thing to do to an animal and may count as a taboo, or trigger passions
e. Use of this ritual tends to attract the attention of demons, many of which don’t like the idea of consuming a soul for personal gain.

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