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AKA: the hippy or the ecco warrior

You love Mother Nature and Mother Nature loves you….

All through out human history small sectors of human society have dedicated themselves to the protection of the planet we live on and the creatures on it. Two common examples would be the druid and the protestor you see every time nuclear waste is brought in to town. Ever questioned why people do it? Most people would say either they have nothing better to do, or that they feel good and righteous about what they are doing. Some how ever don’t do these selfless acts for status but more for kin ship with their world or power. Indeed in the days of the past most people feared “mother nature” for what she could do to them if mistreated and most of the ancient cultures viewed animals to be sacred, or omens of coming events. And still nowadays people will look to animals and plants as signs of what’s to come IE telling the direction of the wind by the direction of a cow, the future through counting crows and relying on herbs to heal and relax. But there are some who respect the planet and the power of our non human neighbours, and can in turn use this power, think of all the protestors on the planet or even the cat widower who lives down the street, what’s to say some of them aren’t Terramancers. It’s a known fact that some people preferred the outdoors to cities, would rather spend hours in their green house rather then clubbing and some would rather spend time with their non human companions finding that time more well spent then being part of our human society.

To gain the power of nature one must sacrifice most protect it at all costs. This means they have to reclycle goods, they have to cut up the rings off the beer holders ect.

Blast style
A terramancer’s blast consists of the natural plant and animal life around him/ her defending the terramancer and targeting the terramancer’s enemy. In layman’s terms the enemy becomes the enemy of the natural world. This blast is similar to the urbanmancer’s blast in the way it works, the main difference is that instead of the target getting “attacked” by things that would be associated with a city it follows a natural theme. This blast if used in a building or a house is not effective till the targeted person / persons leave an unnatural area where nature is likely to be.


Generating a Minor charge
Spend 4 consecutive hours of your day focusing on your Animals or plants; this could include gardening, taking care of a pet, or helping out at a conservation project/ animal shelter.

Generating a signifigent charge
This can be done by cultivating a new plant from an existing plant (potting a seed doesn’t count!) , or one of the animals in your care giving birth (again its only when actual birth takes place). Alternatively adopting a animal into your “family” would bring you a charge. Keep in mind that you must be able to keep that animal healthy and happy or you break the taboo.Another way would be to raise at least $150 for a conservation charity.

Generating a major charge
Do some conservation on a wide scale that is noticeable by the masses (such as make an forest an legally protected area, ban fox hunting, save a species from hunting/ testing or extinction. If you are feeling like a naughty boy or girl you could always free the animals from an animal testing facility (highly illegal but hey who cares about human law)….

One must never concuncly hurt or mistreat an animal or plant more so then needed for the terramancer to survive. This doesn’t mean the terramancer has to wait for the fruits to fall off a tree to eat anything in food terms. They are aloud to hunt (hunting is a natural part of most creatures lives is it not?) but only to eat. Killing/ hunting per say for the fur or a body part (shark fins for example when they cut it off and leave the shark to die in the ocean) Is a vilolation of the taboo. A terramancer must be very careful that they live in moderation and not excess, as living in excess would be harming the natural world thus breaking the taboo.

Charging tips
Owning a large family of pets is fine as long as you can take care of all of them, the same with your greenhouse but remember leaving them alone for too long or not being able to keep all of them happy and healthy is breaking the taboo. This is why garden centres and pet shops are an ideal place for a terramancer to work. Alternatively a lot of terramancers protest and try to make the world a safer place for nature.

Random magical domain
Your power comes from the non human world, the better you treat it the more it opens up to you. Giving you acsess , wisdom and in some instances control of the world around you. Just remember that your their to protect it , do so and it will protect you.

Starting charges

Minor spells

Nature’s arm
Cost: 3 minor charge
Calls forth up to 3 near plant targets to “spring to life”, and serve the caster for short time. This could be useful for defence, accessing areas or doing random things like say blocking doors or roots uplifting to trip someone over. When the action has been done the plant will return back to its natural spot as if nothing happened. This spell isn’t very usful in actual attacking as it is a short lived spell meant to help the caster accomplish a task

Charm the wilds
Cost: 2 minor charges
This is a Terramancer’s minor blast spell. This causes local animal or plant life to befriend the caster for an hour. In short no animal or plant will harm you. But if you are threatened nature will defend you. If you are attacked nature attacks your attacker.

Sixth sense
Cost: 1 minor charge
Caster casts this on himself and the spell lasts for roughly 1 hours. Whilst this spell is cast the Terramancer has improved vision, speed, hearing, smell and balance. (This includes cat like sight in the dark)

Healing hand:
Cost: 2 minor charges
This allows the Terramancer to cure physical damage using the herbs of the earth. The Terramancer users 2 die to determined damage cured. This spell is best used overnight as it takes a few hours to take effect. Usually this healing is administered in a herbal drink or remedy that is made from a leaf of a plant that the Terramancer must have grown himself / herself.

Wisdom of the wild
Cost: 1 minor charge
The Terramancer talks with a plant or animal long enough to ask it questions or gain some knowledge. Animals if loyal to their master would possibly lie, and there is a chance a plant / animal might not understand the human actions it has seen but would try to describe it anyway. When not an exact science for getting answers, it still can pro

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